
Monday, August 18, 2014

ManCat Monday

The purpose of the liberal arts education is to learn that a person can like both cats and dogs. Anonymous

Happy Monday Gang, Derby here! I had fun this weekend. I GOT OUTSIDE!
I didn't get far, but I did get out. Mum was going out to draw where she planted stuff yesterday. I zipped right past her!
 Do you see where my fur is wet? Not water, mum spilled her beer on me when she first tried to grab me. When she realized I was more interested nomming the deaded leaves, she had time to set down her paper and beer. Then she picked me up and sat with me for a few minutes outside until I got too restless for her.
 Here you can see the beer splashes and her notepad!  She just laid them down until after she put me back inside.

Since she worked so hard digging and such, she made herself a furry nice dinner. Grilled beast and eggyplant, corn on the cob. 
Yes, we did get some, though I thinks Ducky got more than I did!
We will let Virginger report on Thursday all of mum's outside stuff. She did lots this weekend.


  1. You disturbed your human's beer when you ran outside, Derby! EXTRA good job!

  2. Did you have to bathe off beer, Derby? We would make a face about that, for sure.

  3. Did the deaded leaves taste good?

  4. dood....thatz kinda like cat cologne !!! awesum....lookin for werd ta V & G's ree port later on...heerz two a grate week !! CHEERZ !!

  5. Nomming the dead leaves does sound good. Glad you had fun outside, but more glad you didn't try to run off.

  6. Wow - that was a bit of an adventure Derby.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Yeah, did you get a taste of that bee, Derby? We've never had it...but we hear it doesn't taste like nip. ;)

    Oh...and Zoey says she's got nothing against boycats...unless you're one of the two living here. ;)

  8. I bet you gave your mum a terrible scare, Derby! Maybe that's why Ducky got more beast than you?

  9. CC is all jellus...he loves to eat dead leaves!

  10. Mmm, beer with dedded leaves. A purr-fect pre-autumn feast, we thinks!

    Thank you so much for helping Pia and Dexter celebrate their love anniversary today! Purrs....


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