
Monday, December 29, 2014

ManCat Monday - In Memorium

Derby, The SassyCat 

10/20/2003 to 12/27/2014

Gotcha'd 5/7/2005

Blogging Debut 11/3/2005

Your life consisted of 4,086 days of which you graced me with your presence for 3,521 of those days over 86% of your life. I expected it to be a longer period of time, but that was not to be.

I fell in love with you from your shelter picture and never looked back. You had such a cute look even on your shelter picture, to which you got a nickname, Smiley Boy, from Calico Mom Toni. The little white
stripe on your forehead and your two toned nose made you even more special.

While you had a bit of a catitude towards things, like vet visits, you were still a loving mancat at home. Always looking for a handout, treats to mooch, human food to taste or sneak off my plate. You weren’t a lap cat, but would sit nearby so as not to miss out on anything. You were always around, making sure things were good. 
 I know you weren’t thrilled when I brought Ducky into our lives, but you adapted. My two ginger men getting into adventures and mischief, but never bad enough to warrant any punishment. You have trained Ducky well and have left me in his capable paws. We will both miss you, and with each other get through not having you around. 

I hope you enjoyed your life while you were here. The big sunny windows, bird watching, napping by the heating vents, exploring the dungeon, catching the occasional mouse, guarding the house in my absence. You were indulged with chick-hen, roast beast and other human goodies. You loved getting your share and often trying to get more than your share.

It isn’t only my heart that is empty when you left us. The outpouring of love to us these past few days has been overwhelming and comforting. Your pals and their beans are hurting too. None of us do well when you furkids take off to The Bridge on short notice. 
The power and reach of the internet made you and many other cats household names. We just had to check out the adventures of you and your “furiends”, celebrating birthdays, parties and the unique Cat Blogosphere special days. Heck, you had a whole month “TockTober” for your birth month! Oh the adventures you could get into, all without leaving the comfort of your own home.

I knew you were beginning to show some age, but you were still active right up to the end. Getting a bit thin, but you were eating. Those last couple of days you looked so thin and then didn’t want to eat. Although in reading after the fact about renal failure, there were a few things I wished I had known. You loved to drink and that should have been a clue, but I didn’t catch it. The scale at the vet showed that when you were down to just under seven pounds even with everything you ate. That last night, you even slept on my bed, resting on me. That was so not the real you. I figure it was your way to let me know you loved me, you were ready to go if needed and things would be OK.
So Derby, Derbikins, Derbs, you will be missed. Have fun at The Bridge with all the gang who has gone before. I love you and will miss you. Someday we shall meet again.
 Derby Sweetheart Cat!
To celebrate your life, nothing would be complete without a good send off. So as I read in a recent obituary "the celebration will continue until everyone is happy". Enjoy everyone.


  1. Sendin ya big hugs.

    My momma says she lost my predecessor, Charle (also a pale orange guy) to kidney failure caused by renal lymphoma - that it was rather sudden and she wished there was more she had known earlier. It are real tuff.

  2. What a lovely tribute, and I'm sure Derby would love that you ended with a celebration. Purrs to you and Ducky.

  3. Tears in my eyes reading dear Derby's tribute. Still so young to go into renal failure. Our purrz and Prayers with you and Ducky.

    To Life! l'Chaim! I toast you dear Derby and all your loving memories. See you at the bridge... -Katie.

  4. Such a wonderful tribute to your precious Derby. Sending many purrs to you and Ducky...

  5. Thinking of you - even from the other side of the world. Heartbreaking to have lost him at such a young age. But I'm absolutely positive that he enjoyed a wonderful life with you and Ducky - and you have fabulous memories of a gorgeous companion. Big hug to you and Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Lovely tribute to a lovely cat. Through all the sadness of losing loved ones, it is important to remember the love and the joy, and to celebrate the precious time that we spent together. Your life was full of love and every good thing, Derby, and we were so glad to be part of it for some years. Run free at the Bridge. The company there is excellent.

    The Chans

  7. Magnificent tribute to a pawsome cat!
    Purrs and headbumps to you.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. A special celebration for a special boy! Always to be well and lovingly remembered and forever we will raise our tocks to Derb!

  9. That's a beautiful tribute, makes our human cry. Having a party is a wonderful send-off. Soft purrs and gentle hugs to you.

  10. Beautiful tribute, Do love you Derby
    Soft purrs from me
    Lots of love

    Puddy & Mom

  11. What a lovely tribute to your sweet sweet boy! He was so loved in his life, and even though it was not as long as we might have wanted it, we know that he had found the perfect home and family for him.

    julie and Poppy Q

  12. ME is so sad mine hero is gone. WE all will miss you so much Derby. We loved you buddy.

    DerbysMom, we know that Derby hadded the bestest home efur with you - and that he loved you totally every day.

    Ducky buddy, when you are done cellybrating here, come dance with us at our place - we are cellybrating Derby too.

  13. Dear Ducky and Mom,
    We are so sorry to read Derby had to run off the the bridge. But we will honor his request by enjoying the lovely buffet in his honor.
    I see a piece of ham with my name on it
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. Mum is sad that you won't be around to make us smile Derby - we will miss seeing you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. I generally don't visit blogs on the weekend, so I am just learning about Derby's passing now. It's hard to believe. His was one of the first cat-blogs I visited. He was so young to go. Please accept my condolences. Godspeed, Derby.

  16. Mom and I are very sad about Derby running off so suddenly. This is a beautiful tribute to him and having a send off party is a lovely idea. Godspeed, Derby. Ducky and Mom, we are thinking of you and your great loss.

  17. What a beautiful tribute to our buddy, Derby. It was hard reading it through our leaky eyes. We lost Angel Cerise and Angel Lilly to renal failure. (((hugs))) to Ducky and The Mom.

  18. Hear, hear! What a fitting tribute to the sassiest of cats!

    This brings tears to my eyes. Hope Derby meet up with MoMo and together with the other furriends they will part up a storm.

    Farewell, Derby! You will always be remembered fondly by your loving family and us, old timers of CB.

  19. I am so very sorry for your loss! Farewell, Derby, and purrs to Ducky and your people who are missing you so.

  20. That was a really nice way to remember Derby. We lost Kelly much the same way to kidney failure, and it was a shock and a blow. It is good to know how many people care. We hope all those happy memories help give you some comfort now.

  21. I am so very sad and tearful on this cold Monday morning! Although I never met you, my Smiley Boy, I loved you so! Is that possible? YES....I now feel so bad for your mom Janet and brother Ducky as there is a Derby sized hole in their hearts. But, Patches, Mittens and Mistrie are so happy to meet and greet you. Yes, I have lots of holes in my heart, lots of them. Big hugs and purrs.

    Calico Mom Toni

  22. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful ManCat. We're all leaky eyed here but are smiling at the wonderful memories you have of sweet Derby. We will miss him a lot and will always have 'Tocktober in his memory.

    We're raising a niptini and enjoying a slice of ham in your honor Derby. We love you.

    The Florida Furkids

  23. My sympathies to you and Ducky. A lot of us here on the net are sure going to miss Derby.

  24. Hello Derby & Ducky's Mom: Sherri-Ellen here from The Purrfect Pad. I saw on FB that Derby has gone to Summerland & I was so upset. Altho we do not know each other I followed Derby's comments on other blogs & always enjoyed 'seeing him around'.
    My Nylablue went to summerland Nov. 22nd & Iam sure she was there with countless others to welcome Derby to his 'new home'.
    I am sorry for your loss. I've been thru Renal Failure with cat b4 Nylableu who was is never easy.
    I know Ducky will be a comfort to you in the days to come.
    Yours in the Blog world with tears in my eyes...
    Sherri-Ellen (of Siddhartha's Purrfect Pad).

  25. Oh sweet dear. Hugs to you catmama. We are so sorry for your loss and this post is such a perfect tribute.

    Head bonks from us,
    Emma and Buster

  26. Derby we shall miss you lots!! You always made us laugh and we shall Remember you always!!
    Lots of hugs to your Mom, too!
    Your TX furiends,
    Samantha & Chandra

  27. Rest in peace, Derby. We will miss you. We enjoyed reading about your adventures. Mom's first cat died of kidney failure -- here one day, gone the next. We will keep tabs on Ducky for you. Purring for your family.
    --Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear, and Maggie

  28. This is a beautiful post celebrating a good life. Derby was one very fine cat who left us too soon.
    So very sorry for your loss.

  29. Oh dear furend we will miss you. You added much fun and zest at the TCC and here with Ducky and Mom. Derby thanks for the wonderful repast in you memory. Fly free and watch over us all until that day when we all meet again, healthy and ready to play, run, eat and have fun.
    Love Purrs and Prayers
    Timmy Dad Pete and Family

  30. Dear Derby's Mum Janet,
    Mom's eyes are leaking again and she has a lump in her throat with this nice tribute. Ever since Derby left, she has woken up every day thinking about him and about you are not waking up with him there and what a huge void that must be. She is holding us tighter and keeps whispering how much she loves us in our ears. We are glad Ducky is there for you, and we know Derby is too. We love you Mum Janet, peace be with you. S&S

  31. very nice tribute. the boyz and I send our thought out to you.

  32. dood...pleez ta give all R best ta dude, sauce, skeezix N de 800 million ya share space with now...heerz ta tock tober, squillionz, feetz ball ree portz N all R love bak at cha...♥♥♥

    yur mom did an awesum awesum tribute for ewe.....N we noe itz gonna bee ruff on her & ducky fora while...

    visit her when ya can, soon az ya can... sew her noez ewe iz good...
    her will noe what we meen sum day

    a toast two ewe R friend ♥♥♥

    with loves~~

    boomer, tuna, dai$y =^..^=

  33. OMC...the mom's eyes are leaking. What a wonderful tribute to our good furiend, Derby. We're so sorry he left too soon.

    Derby, we'll miss you, buddy.

  34. Derby, Here's to a life well-lived and well-loved ::clinks niptini glass:: See you on the other side, Buddy!

    And here's to you too, Ducky, the Main ManCat of the House now--take good care of that nice Lady now! XOXOXOXO

  35. What a beautiful tribute. We're sure Sweet Praline was at the bridge to welcome Derby with a celebration and to help him greet all of his other furriends.

  36. ::sniff::

    We are here to help celebrate Derby. We've brought some cheese to share. We will continue to honor him each October with our 'tocks in all their glory.

    Rest in Peace handsome boy.


    Cory, Ellie, Bennette, Figaro, Jonesie, Cecilia, Ginger, Madison and Grete.

  37. The Cat Blogosphere has lost an icon with Derby, we're proud to have known him, and he inspired us to start blogging ourselves.

    We'll all gather 'round and raise a glass to DERBY, the Sassy Cat!

  38. This is a lovely tribute to Derby. He will be missed by so many. Hugs and purrs to you and Ducky.

  39. Such a touching tribute to your wonderful boy. We are sending big, comforting purrs and hugs to you and Ducky.

  40. A beautiful tribute to a handsome boy gone way too soon. And that quote--absolutely perfect. Purrs to you both.

  41. This brought tears to our eyes. What a wonderful tribute. We enjoyed seeing all of those sweet photos of Derby. It sounds like was truly a special kitty. We are sending you and Ducky lots of love and warm purrs of comfort. And we are celebrating Derby's life!


  42. What a beautiful tribute to Derby. Mom's eyes are leaking again. We raise our glasses in honor!
    Soft purrs and luvs to you Mom Janet and Ducky.
    Marty, Ralphie, Mazie, Abbe and Anne

  43. Such a lovely tribute to your much loved Derby. He will be waiting for you and Ducky at the bridge. Healing purrs for you both in your loss of your sweet boy.

  44. Many purrs to you... we are positive that Derby & Jade were welcomed with a big party at the Bridge.

  45. Oh, what a beautiful and joyous tribute to Derby. We're so very sorry and our hearts and purrs go out to you. Your love and your smiles inspire us.

    Fly free, Derby. You will be missed so very much.

    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  46. This was a lovely tribute to dear Derby! We are reminded that it is not the mileage you get out of life, its the love you give and the love you get.

    And it is wunnerful to celebrate that love with a party of remembrance. We know he is here in Sprit to share it...

  47. A perfect tribute and sendoff for Derby. Still got leaky eyes. It's possible to be happy and sad at the same time, apparently.

  48. What a wonderful tribute, indeed. It brought fresh tears to my eyes as I read and felt again the stabbing pain of losing Orbit. Certainly a memorable post.

  49. We are so so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and purrs to all of you.
    This was a beautiful memorial.

  50. Such a beautiful tribute to your precious Derby. I cried like a baby.

  51. I'm so sorry to hear about Derby. It's been awhile since we posted to our blog, but we wanted to send our purrs and purrayers to a fellow georgous ginger.

    Pumpkin, Tiger, Sophie, and Willy (the new kid in the house)

  52. Dear Derby, we are sending our love and hope you are meeting some of the best kitties the Cat Blogosphere has ever known. Until we all meet again.... purrs...

  53. We awe so sorry fur yous loss. Weez awe purrayin' fur you all. And we know hims will liv on in yous hearts and ows furever.

    Luv ya'

    Ddezi and Lexi

  54. Oh wow. You guys, you're just great. We just learned a whole lot from you. We gonna celebrate with you till we all are happy. Hugs and kitty kisses to you. This is one of the most beautiful memorials we've ever seen, and it seems there has been a lot. We were wishing we could help you feel better - we thank you for helping us feel better.

  55. Awwww yes I remember the "smiley boy" tag by Calico Girls! It brought awareness to the smile on our boy too. We felt so close to Derby from his adventures and smiles and cuteness. Having to accept the things we cannot change is so hard but being able to celebrate his life is a wonderful tribute to all the love and fun and joy he was. Thanks for sharing about his last night. It brings comfort to knowing that there is that very real connection there.
    From our hearts to yours,
    Angie and mom Brenda

  56. Wow! What a super duper feast!
    Have a wonderful and happy new year!

    Noodle and crew

  57. Your tribute is so wonderful, and such a special way to celebrate Derby's life. i have been follwoing your kitty-cats blog for a couple of years now.

    Reading about Derby and Ducky's "goings on" was an enormous help when i had 6 months of chemotherapy followed by 5 weeks of 5 days a week in 2013. I'm fine and now share my life with a four year old cat named Megs - who Doesn't Like Cats, lol.

    I send you my care and support, my love and many, many huggles,

    Michelle Downunder in NZ

  58. That was 5 x 5 of radiotherapy.

    Please give Ducky some extra special cuddles and head scritches from me.

    XXXXX Michelle XXXXX

  59. My heart breaks for you...I feel as if I've lost a family member...and can only imagine how you must feel. Will miss Derby.

  60. We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our Mummy lost Pixie, who came before us, to kidney disease. She had leaky eyes when she read this beautiful tribute to Derby - but you will be together again, one day.
    Hugs and purrs and comforting headbutts to you all.

  61. We are so sad it was Derby's time to leave you. He was one of our very first kitty friends. What a lovely tribute you wrote for him, and what a great buffet you provided. We know Derby would approve.

    Comforting purrs and love from all of us at ATCAD.

  62. Lovely tribute for Derby ♡♥♡
    and jummy buffet :)

  63. Such a beautiful tribute to Derby. Sending head butts to you and Ducky.

  64. Dear Ducky & Mom! I am glad you liked the Tribute To Derby! Me and Mom have been fans of him since we began blogging!
    Lots of hugs to you Both!
    Your TX furiends,
    Samantha & Mom

  65. my apologies. I did not make the celebration of our buddy Derby. I am not consistent cuz I need Mom L and her thumbs for the keyboard and she has been hit and miss since her knee replacement. again, we are so terribly sorry Derby had to make a dash to The Bridge. warm hugs and soft purrs, Savvy and Mom L

  66. Wanted to tell you how sorry we are that you left for the Bridge. US cats do hide that we are not well even from our humans. You had a wonderful life Derby and will be watching over everyone from the Bridge.

    Sending warm purrs of sympathy to your humans.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  67. Mowzers, our mom's eyes are leaky.... Such a wonderful tribute. We agree, ending with a celebration would be something Derby would love.

  68. we only just heard and we are so very sorry for your loss! what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful cat. he will be missed.

  69. Somehow I missed your sweet tribute until tonight.
    I was thinking about Derby today. So many special souls who have gone on ahead of us. They lead the way for us to follow one day. I am so glad you have Ducky to help your heart heal and to feel the feline presence near you. Derby was a wonderful orange Mancat and he is missed.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.