
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Caturday - Updated

Updated 4:30 PM Central - Derby was helped to The Bridge a little more than an hour ago.  He was in renal failure and the vet gave a poor prognosis. Farewell my dear boy.

HiYa, Ducky here. It has been strange around here the past day. Mum locked me out of her sleepy spot last night but let Derby be in there.

Mum says Derby is not feeling well. A trip to our regular vet man Dr M, then he sent them off to the 'mergency vet man.

So can we please have purrs for my bro Derby. Thanks.


  1. Oh dear, sweet Derby. I hope you will be okay. What sort of trouble are you having?

  2. Oh Derby, we sure send lots and lots of purrs and prayers. We sure hope he is all right.

  3. Mom is so very worried. She told me all about Derby and how he is one of the first blogging cats she knew. I think he is so very handsome. We are all purring hard here in the Big Piney Woods.

    Miracle 4Paws

  4. Oh no. Purrs and prayers to dear Derby from all of us.

  5. Derby, you are one of my oldest furriends. I have my purr-er on overdrive for you.

  6. We are purring so very hard. We hope that things will be okay.

  7. So sorry to hear Derby is sick! Sending lots and lots of purrs to our dear furriend. x

  8. Tons of purrs and purrayers from us for Derby. We have our paws crossed he will be okay.

  9. We are purring our very best for Derby. Him will be better real soon!
    (We sends purrs for Ducky too, acause him might be a little bit ascairt.)

  10. Ducky Ms Ann sent out info on Derby,we are all purring for Derby and he has been added to the POTP Blog

  11. Correction on POTP blog site

  12. We are so sorry Derby is sick. We kitties are sending healing purrs and I send the power of my mighty tiger paw. Mom sends hugs and prayers.

    Horus, Karen Jo and the rest of the kitties

  13. I am praying for Derby and all the kitties are purring.

  14. Sending Derby lot's of POTP. We are keeping you all in our good, healing thoughts.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. of all St Francis blessings for ewe that everee thing is aye oh kay N ewe is bak home, reedin yur mail N chillaxin. we be soree ya had ta go two de emergencee place oh eevil, N we troo lee hope all iz well....xxxxxxxxx

  16. Oh noes!
    We are purring very hard for Derby!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  17. Derby, Dude, I hope the vet man fixes you up. I mean, it sucks to go and not get fixed up. We're prurring like mad for you and Sanjees jamming the Bridge gate shut with her rattly mice.
    your bud Pepi and therest of the Hotties

  18. We send our strongest and loudest purrs out to Derby.


  19. Purrs, purrs, purrs for adorable Derby! Take care

  20. Sending big purrs and prayers Derby's way and hope that he will feel better very soon.

  21. Purrs and prayers for your sweet Derby. Hope all will be well with him very soon. Mumsy, Pooh and family

  22. I've just read the news and I'm so sad for you and your mum. You will both remember him for always. Cuddle up to each other and comfort each other and know that your friends around the world are thinking of you.

    Sydney, Australia

  23. We are so very sorry to hear this news. Run free, Derby.

    Soft Purrs,
    The Chans

  24. we are so sorry to hear this news, purrs

  25. We are so sad that Derby didn't make it! Hugs to you all. xoxo Patty & Bhu

  26. Just saw your update about Derby. We are so very sorry to hear of your loss.

  27. I'm so sorry to hear about Derby,I 've loved reading all your posts.

  28. We are so sad our old friend Derby had to leave. We know he leaves a big hole in his family's heart. We send a warm hug, purrs and tail wags of comfort.

  29. We just heard the sad news about Derby. We are so very sorry. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbutts.

    Derby, we sure will miss you. :(

  30. Derby...damn, dood, I'm leaking like crazy over here. I am gonna miss you so much. Dammit dammit dammit.

  31. We are so very sorry for your loss. Such a sweet looking kitty too. It's always so hard to lose a beloved furbaby, and seems especially bad at a holiday time. Comforting purrs are being sent your way.

  32. Our hearts go out to you in the loss of Derby. May he rest in peace now. Xo Chloe and LadyBug

  33. All of us here at Casa de Cory send you our most comforting purrs. We are so sorry that Derby had to run off to the Bridge. We hope that our Nigel will be there to greet him and show him around.


    Cory, Ellie, Bennette, Jonesie, Figaro, Cecilia, Ginger, Madison and Grete.

  34. Oh dear Lord, I hadn't heard but was just checking for an update. Our eyes are so very leaky too. We are so, so, so sorry. We know all too well there are not the right words, but we do send you purrs, hugs and all our love. Run free pal, we sure will always love you.

  35. I am so sorry.

    JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

  36. Oh, no. No, no, no.

    We just don't have words.

    We're so sorry.

    All our purrs and purrayers are with you, sending soft kitty kisses and gentle hugs.

    Godspeed, Derby.

  37. We are so sorry to hear this update on Derby, Please accept our heartfelt purrs.

  38. I am so very, very sorry. I have read you all for so long, I feel that I've lost a friend.
    God's Speed, Derby, until we meet.
    Purrs for Ducky and the family.

  39. Oh no. We are so very, very sorry to hear this. Sending our gentlest purrs to you and holding you in our thoughts and hearts.

  40. I am so so sorry for this loss. Derby was one of my favorite blogging cats, an absolute beauty that couldn't hide the kindness in his eyes. Rest in peace, sweetheart.

  41. We are so sorry to read about your loss. Our soft purrs are on their way for all of Derby's loved ones.

  42. We are so very sorry to hear this sad news. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  43. Derby, we will miss your sassiness so, so much--reading about you and your adventures helped pass many long midnight shifts for Mommy.

    We're purring for your Mum and Ducky, and we know you'll be keeping an eye on them from beyond.

    Godspeed, Derby, we love you.

  44. Farewell, sweet friend! We will miss you. Purrs and hugs to your family. Derby was one of the first to welcome us into the cat blogging world many years ago. Through the years we have been enjoying been part of his life.

  45. So sorry to read this. Sending soft purrs in memory of Derby....

  46. Oh sweet Derby, we don't know what to say. We are so going to miss you and hope you can visit your humans and Ducky often. We'll look for your star in the heavens tonight. Fly free, friend. Purrs...

  47. So sorry to hear this. Sending comfort. Hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  48. There are no words! I am so very sorry that Derby had to go :'( Hugs to you x0x

  49. Oh, NOOOOO! Not my sweet Smiley Boy!!!! *many tears*. Oh, Janet, I don't know what to say.........he was so sweet, so special.....our dear furriend...........Patches, Mittens and Mistrie are there to greet terrible. So sudden........

  50. Ohhhhhh! Oh NO! We're just REELING. This happened so suddenly, and we're so very devastated! We wish there were words to say to help heal the hurt. Dear Ducky, please purr extra hard for your human over the next several weeks. We know you all will miss Derby terribly....

  51. What a sudden, unexpected loss. Run free, dear Derby and watch over your Mum and Ducky. We are feeling very sad and are sure that they are much sadder.

  52. We're so very sorry - one of our very first friends! Derby will be missed and we send purrs and love from all of us.
    Grr, Midnight, Cocoa
    Rascal, Riley
    Mini, Fluff

  53. On dear, we just heard. We are so sorry about Derby.
    The same thing that took our Tillie.
    Really wish we could ease your pain.
    It is hard to lose a beloved friend.
    Comforting purrs.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
    and mom Nancy

  54. ..... and St Francis said, "Come little one, there is nothing more I can do for you here, don't be afraid"......and St Francis gently picked up Derby and carried him  into the kingdom of heaven.....when the little cat looked around, he realized everything St Francis told him on his journey was true....heaven was beautiful beyond what mere words could express.....

    ...... and Derby saw there was no pain, suffering, fear, sickness, hunger, thirst or sorrow, until he looked down and saw the family and friends he had left behind. ......and for a very brief moment, the little cat too, was filled with sorrow.

    ....then St Francis bestowed Derby with a set of wings and said, "Use them to return to your family, when their need is the greatest, as nothing can separate your bond of love.  Hold each other in your hearts and your memories, until you are reunited again at heaven's door."

    ..... and when the little cat tried on his wings, he knew nothing was impossible...... when there

    God's speed our friend, we hope HE grants your mom and brother peace in their hearts, you will be missed....we love ya dood....xxxxx

    Boomer, Dai$y, Tuna...and Dude and Sauce too

  55. Oh Gosh, we are so so sorry about Derby .We sure send you many hugs and some good thoughts and some mighty prayers for all of you. It is just so hard to lose our fur friends.

  56. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Derby.

  57. I am so, so sorry to hear of the loss of Derby. We're keeping you in our thoughts and purrs, fly free sweet boy.

  58. Oh, Derby.
    We are so sorry that you had to run off to the Bridge today an' leave your momma an' Ducky behind.

    The Lady has leaky eyes 'bout your leaving ...


  59. OH NO!!!! I am so so sorry to hear Derby has gone to the Bridge. Mom and I are sending you hugs and purrs.

  60. Derby was a great mancat.
    He is safe now, hanging around with all of his old friends.
    I am sure Caesar and Prinnie were there to greet him

    bonks and bronks

  61. We are so very sorry. Soar High, Derby.
    ~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

  62. Fly free, Derby... if you see Kelly and Lizzie at the bridge, tell them we said hi.

  63. Fly free, Derby... if you see Kelly and Lizzie at the bridge, tell them we said hi.

  64. we are so very sorry to hear about Derby. We send our deepest condolences. purrs,

    Fraidy Cats Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  65. I just heard the news about Derby. We are all so sad.
    Raja and the Tebo Clowder

  66. We got the word a little bit ago that Derby is now at the Bridge. We're so sorry to learn about this. We're sending lots of purrs and prayers to the furmily.

    The Boys and Karen

  67. We're hurting so much over this news. Fly free, sweet furriend. We prayed and purred our best. Now we're sending purrs of comfort at this sad time. xx

  68. We just got home and opened up our email and saw this one about Derby crossing the RB. I cannot tell you how very sorry I am to hear this news. I will always think of Detby during tocktober. Just a few short weeks ago we said farewell to Beau Beau, now Derby. So many memories. We will keep you in our purrs and prayers.

  69. Awww we are so very sorry to hear about your sweet boy Derby. We know how loved he was and that you will have a huge Derby sized hole in your heart.

    Hugs to you and Ducky.

    Julie and poppy Q

  70. We're so heartbroken at this news and have no words. Instead, we're sending you big purrs and hugs of comfort and lots of love in this difficult time.

  71. Sending you and Ducky our bestest purrs and hugs on this hard day. XOXOXO

  72. We are so sorry to hear sweet Derby crossed over the bridge. Our deepest sympathy to you.

  73. We are so sorry to hear about your sweet Derby.
    Sending purrs and prayers to you.

  74. I am deeply sorry for Derby's passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I have felt the pain of loss as well. xo

  75. My human and I were so sad when we read about Derby on Facebook. Purrs to you and your human, Ducky - I know you both are missing him a bunch. We will miss him lots too - I always looked forward to seeing his handsome face!

  76. I'm so sorry to learn Derby went to the Rainbow Bridge. Sending comforting hugs.

  77. Farewell Derby. We will miss you terribly. You have been in our lives and our hearts for so long in this blogging world. Say hi to Beau Beau for us over that Rainbow bridge. Still wondering what's going on over there that you and he had to leave so quickly. You were one helluva handsome mancat and your Mom loved you so. Hugs to her and Ducky and all of our furriends who will miss you so.

  78. Oh Janet, I am so so sorry!!!
    I loved that little guy like my own and we've journeyed much the same cat blogging path together. My heart goes out to you, and Ducky who will miss his brother so much. Janet, words just can't express what I'm feeling for you. Please contact me anytime, you have my addresses. I'm so sorry. Lynne

  79. Purrlease accept our condolences for your sudden and unexpected loss. We will be purring and praying for you during your time of grief. We know you must be devastated. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  80. I'm just shocked. I wish I had some words to make any of it better, but I don't. I'm sorry.
    ~Vicat, Brat, Rags, & Geo

  81. I am so very sorry for your loss. We are sending prayers from the bayou. ♥

  82. I am so very sorry. This is just heartbreaking I know. I will be praying for you.

  83. Our first thought upon reading this was a very loud NO! It can't be. How long have we known Derby? How can he be gone, just like that? We know that he has many friends across the Bridge but we are heartbroken to lose him. We can only imagine the pain you are feeling. He was a special guy.

  84. I came over as soon as I heard. I am so sorry that Derby had to go to the bridge. He will be missed by so many that knew and loved him. I will always have a special place for him in my heart. Run free sweet one. Until we meet again.

  85. We are heartbroken to hear that Derby has gone to the Bridge. We're sending soft, healing prayers to you and to Ducky.

    The Florida Furkids

  86. Sending warm thoughts and prayers from our dear Orbit's lonely home in Wilmington. Such sad news, but know there are so many out there who are thinking about you at this very sad time.

  87. We just heard of your loss on Fuzzy Tales. We're so sorry... losing a loved one is just so hard, especially this time of year.

  88. So sorry to learn Derby went to the Bridge.
    We will all miss him so much.
    Derby was a true CB SuperStar and he will be so missed.

    Love & Purrs,
    Missy Blue Eyes
    Faith Boomerang
    Baby Cat Josafina
    Mom ML

  89. We are so very sorry to hear that Derby had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. He will be greatly missed. Comforting purrs for you and Ducky.

  90. Oh Derby, we're going to miss you, but not quite as much as your mama. Sanjee and Mini will show you around at the bridge, along with so many other friends. We're so glad we got to see you on #Catmaseve. We'll treasure that forever. We'll help look after your Mom and Ducky. *huge spirit hugs*
    All of us at the House of the Mostly Black Cats

  91. Oh no!! We are so sorry that Derby had to go to the Rainbow Bridge! We will miss you lots Derby! Lots of hugs and purrs for your Mom & Ducky!
    Hugs from your TX furiends,
    Samantha & Chandra

  92. I'm so very sorry but please know that Derby will live on in our hearts, forever.


  93. I am so very very sorry to read that Derby has gone over the Bridge. No words can tell you how much my heart hurts for you. I am sending my deepest sympathy and wish I could take your pain from you.
    Marty's Mom

  94. No! Dude! This just sucks! I know we'll see you on the other side. Ducky, I'm sure you're scared and confused. Snuggle your mom a bunch. You need each other right now.

  95. We're so very sorry Derby had to go to the Bridge. We're sending comforting purrs.

  96. Oh my gosh, I am in shock. Sending love & purrs from all of us at Purrchance To Dream and The Cat Blogosphere.
    ((((HUGS))) and condolences.

  97. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Derby will always be safe within your heart.

  98. we are all in tears here. Derby was our bestest bud and Billy's orinch mancat hero. We are sending all of our purrrss to you DerbysMom

    Derby, we will not say good bye because we know you are at the Bridge partying with everyone who came before and we will meet you there one day.....

  99. So very sorry to hear of the loss of your Derby.

  100. We are so sorry to hear about Derby. He was one of the original blogger kittie's. Purrs, Hugs, and Prayers for Ducky and the family as I know he will be missed greatly by everyone. God Bless

    Cleopatra and Mom

  101. So sorry to hear about this. Sendin you big hugs.

  102. I can't believe this happened so suddenly. Was he showing any kind of symptoms before today? My heart goes out to you. Pay extra attention to Ducky since he'll be mourning Derby's loss along with you.


  103. we came over after hearing the sad news about derby leaving for the bridge. we are gonna send lots of comforting purrs and prayers for ya'll.

  104. We are so sorry that Derby had to go to the Bridge. Thank you for loving him so much, and so well. We send you purrs and prayers of comfort and our heartfelt condolences. Hugs to you all.

  105. We are so sorry that Derby ran off to the Bridge. I know that China Cat and Willow were there to be with him when he arrived. I am sending soft purrs to Ducky and all of his family.

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  106. We are so sad to hear this news. Our hearts to yours. We asked our Angels to keep an eye open for free sweet boy.

  107. Crikey ....... our hearts go out to you. Such sad, sad news!!

  108. we are dreadfully sad to hear this news and so sorry for your aching hearts. it has been a very long friendship here at the many happy years and wonderful memories...may they comfort you in the dark days ahead.
    please know how much we care...the cozy cottage kitty girls and mom Karla

  109. I am so very sorry to see the sad news. I know how you will be hurting and I send you love and hugs x

  110. We're so sorry for your loss ! We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs

  111. We are so sorry to read that Derby had to run off to the bridge. We are sending over lots of purrs and prayers for you all and for him up at the bridge.

  112. We are so very, very sorry to wake up to this news. Godspeed Derby - we have a candle on the catio for you. No way should the Bridge be taking so many right now but we guess we have no say in it :(
    Ducky, this will be strange and tough - look after everyone.
    Many many purrs xxxx

  113. We are very sad to hear this news. Our condolences to you and to Ducky, who will miss his brofur.

  114. Me and my mom-person is so sad to hear that Derby had to run off to the bridge.
    Sending lot´s of gentle (((purrs))) and huggies <3

  115. We were shocked to hear that your sweet Derby has gone to the bridge. We hope you & Ducky are able to comfort & console one another during this difficult time.{Please know that we are thinking of you & Ducky and including you in our thoughts and prayers. Please take extra good care of yourself & Ducky during this stressful time. Be patient with yourself as you go through the grieving process & adjust to this change in your life. Trust that over time that your heart will being to heal & sadness and tears will gradually be replaced by all the wonderful memories you have of your time with sweet Derby. He will be greatly missed. Thank you for sharing Derby with all of us.

  116. We are so sorry to hear that your sweet Derby has gone over Rainbow Bridge. We are sending purrs to you.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  117. We are so very sorry your sweet Derby had to be helped to The Bridge. Warm gentle hugs and nose kisses for you. Musmy and Pooh

  118. sending love during this most difficult time...

  119. Another CB legend has left us with your Derby. We are sending loving purrs and heartfelt sympathy to you all for your loss.

    Cats of wildcat Woods

  120. We are so very sorry to hear that.

    Sending a hug during this oh, so hard time.

    Abby the Lab and her Mom and dad

  121. We are so sorry to hear of one of our bestest blogging buddies passing.

  122. I will light a candle for beautiful and forever loved Derby, just as I lit a candle every night since Christmas Eve, for my beloved Little B.

    The love for Derby will light his way. He will always be with you, in your heart, in your loving memories of him and the joy he brought you, and the bond that will always be there between you. Death can never rob that from us.

    Be well, sweet Derby, and run free.

  123. I am so sorry that Derby had to leave for the bridge. He will certainly be missed by you and all of those the knew and loved him.
    Sending you hugs and loves across the miles. He will always be with you.
    Those we love don't go away,
    They walk beside us everyday.
    Unseen, unheard, but always near,
    Still Loved, and still missed
    and forever dear.

  124. This is very sad news and we don't know what to say. We're so sorry for your loss :( Soft Pawkisses <3

  125. Godspeed, sweet Derby! You were such a good boy.

  126. Oh no, oh no, oh no! We have been away and just saw this terrible news. Mom and I are crying. We've both been through this before and know the pain and loss. Our love and purrs to Ducky and Mum.

  127. we are so very sorry for your loss!

  128. we are so deeply, deeply sorry. Your loss is just devastating xoxo Love and deepest sympathy, Caren and Cody

  129. So sorry to here about Derby, our hearts go out to you all human and animal. I'm very new to this blog and really enjoyed your post. Love to you all during this time of mourning your dear Derby. Purrs and snuggles.

  130. I am so sorry that Derby had to be helped across the Rainbow Bridge. It's the hardest decision to make but the kindest. Run free, sassy Derby!

  131. Hi Ducky. We are so sorry is was Derby's time to make his trip to the Bridge. We send you and your sweet family love, hugs and kitty kisses.

  132. The kitties before me were Mr. Teeth & Clarkie. Mr. Teeth was here first, and was about a year old when the Human brought Clarkie home as a baby kitten. They became the best of furiends for the next 10+ years. Sadly, Mr. Teeth (who was the Human's Best Kitty Ever --even *I* am resigned to that) crossed the Bridge too soon at about 11 yrs. old. Mr. Teeth had been super-bonded to the Human, and Clarkie was super-bonded to Mr. Teeth.

    After Mr. Teeth had been gone for a bit, it was very interesting what began to happen between the Human and Clarkie. Gradually, Clarkie kind of stepped up to Mr. Teeth's role: He began to greet the Human at the door when she came home from work, he began to sleep with her, he began to seek her out for play and laptime. It was very sweet (of course there was an element of "any port in a storm" to all this, as he had to step up to be the alpha cat, but also he was the *only* cat). Anyway, we think Ducky and the Mom person will probably grow even closer now.

    The Human and I are sending you all many purrs and hugs across the miles. XOXOXOXO

  133. We are so very sorry to hear this. We know we just met you all, but we are very saddened by this news. We wish we had more time getting to know you, Derby. We send lots of love and purrs and prayers to Ducky, Mom, and family.

  134. We are so sorry to hear about Derby's crossing over. Many hugs and purrs and purrayers to you. We have known Derby since we started blogging years ago. He will be missed.

    Luf, Us and Maw

  135. Me & my family are deeply sorry for Derby
    Sending soft purrs to the family for this difficult time
    Lots of love

    Puddy& Mom

  136. We are so sorry to hear about your Derby.
    Our Mom sends hugs and we send you gentle nudges.

  137. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something to say that would bring you comfort. Derby was well loved and we all share your grief.

  138. Dear Ducky & Mom: Please accept our hearfelt sympathy of the passing of Derby!! I have seen both of around Blogville & have enjoyed your comments. I know my Nylablue was there to greet Derby as he entered Summerland (what we all Rainbow Bridge here).
    Please take care of your Mom; she will need you now more than ever Ducky!
    Sincerely, Sherri-Ellen & 'Purrince' Siddhartha

  139. We were away. Our Best Purrs Of Comfort to you... Derby will be missed here, and we are so very saddenned that he had to leave for The Bridge.

  140. Dear Family of Derby,
    We were off-line and didn't hear about Derby till way past the new year. Derby was one of brandi's dear friends and I loved him, too. We are so sorry for your loss. Mommy was kinda overwhelmed when she read about Derby crossing Over the Bridge, and very sad. We hope all our friends Over the Bridge had a nice party for Derby and made him feel very welcome.
    Ducky, you be brave and cuddle with your family, 'kay? You'll all feel a little better.
    love and headbumpies,
    (and Mom Carol sends her prayers)

  141. I'm so sorry to read about Derby. Farewell, sweet boy. Ducky, you take good care of your mama and carry on all the mischief Derby taught you. Peace from Z-Girl and the Squeedunk Cats.

  142. Oh this is such sad news. You guys was one of the first blogs we started following. I am so very sorry for your loss.
    All us


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