
Friday, December 26, 2014

No White Christmouse

No snow here for Christmouse, mum went out and took pics of our trees without snow.

 Plus we did have sunshine yesterday, we all were happy, specially mum who rarely gets to see the sun. If she is day hunting she can't even see it out the windows.
Early yesterday mum helped us open our Secret Santa prezzies. Good stuff from Kitty Cat Chronicles.
 Lots of little packages, one each for Derby and Ducky. Derby got a red bow tie.
 Ducky a blue one, we thinks they are made to go on collars, but we don't wear collars, so we may not wear them. But we have them but if we need to get formal, we have the bow ties.

Big red crinkly ball, picked it right up. Mum didn't even have time to get the tag off yet!
A little hedgehog that mum could fill with nip, so mum got it all full and I took over.
Whap it here and whap it there.
Whoops all the way to the floor.
Down with the wrapping paper, which is also fun to play with.

Whoops, let the little hedgehog behind! Papers were fun to play with too.
Thanks Kitty Cat Chronicles, we are going to have so much fun to play with all this stuff!


  1. Love that attack picture the best! Enjoy your presses.

  2. How wonderful to see you playing with your new toys. Yay! As for the bow ties - it's a comfort to know that if you get invited to a formal 'do', you'll have everything you need on hand, with no last minute dashes to the shops for something suitable to wear.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. It sure looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year friends!

  4. Great toys, kittehz! Looks like you two had a wonderful Christmas. Hope your Friday is a good one.

  5. A belated but heartfelt Merry Christmas.
    Annabelle * Boo * Ping * Jinx *
    Angels Abby * Gracie Grace

  6. Looks like ya got some pawsome stuff!

  7. We are so glad that you guys are enjoying your gifts! Sorry about the bow ties - they are made to go on collars. The mom makes them. But you're right - if you ever need to go formal, you are well prepared :) we thought the big red crinkly ball would be a hit - that is one of our favorite toys! Merry Christmas, kitties!!!

  8. We didn't have a white Christmas either and in fact it rained Christmas Eve. Looks like you got some fun Secret Paws presents!

  9. No snow here either, and we are delighted. We got a good day out in the yard.


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