
Saturday, April 11, 2015


HiYa Ducky here. Happy weekend. Mum is getting ready to go out and do the chores, shopping and such. Plus some outside stuff so Virginger and Glimmer will have to keep an eye on her too.

We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to all of the peoples just south of the border in Illy-noisy. Them nasty storms got them on Thursday afternoon. One of mum's furiends lives not far away and got pictures of the storm. You could see the funnel cloud! Said it was the firsted tornado she ever saw and hopes it is the last too!

Everyone have a good weekend.


  1. We wish you a great weekend too ! Purrs

  2. Happy weekend Ducky and mum! I hope the people are safe from the storms.

  3. That was a horrible storm and tornado! I am purring lots for all the humans and animals that were affected.

  4. Well, if they live in a place could Illy Noisy, they're gonna have to expect the odd thunder/boom noisy storms every now and then, aren't they? I hope everyone is safe and dry inside though.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Those twisty clouds are SCAREY! We have had smaller ones around here a few years ago. Not RIGHT HERE though. And we hope it stays that way.


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