
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer.

We had a bit of excitement here this past week. Not far from where we sit, the hawk got a dove! Yikes. So happy it left us alone.

This was Easter Sunday. When mum got up none of those fevvers were around. Later when she was back and looked outside, it was a mess.
 You can just see Glimmer on the bench and then the mess of fevvers just off the patio.

 Mum came out and let us come over and check things out with her. Sheesh, basically just a fevvers.
 Some closes ups, mum did spot a couple of reddish or brown things. Not guts but a bit of flesh stuck to the fevvers and the feets too!
This is two hawk kills on our yard in the past few weeks, so Mr Hawk must think it is good hunting here.

We got rain and thunder boomers this past week. Things are growing and the grass is getting greener.

That is all for this week. Love Virginger and Glimmer.


  1. Mr Hawk comes here too. He usually takes the small birds but sometimes gets the pigeons.

  2. V & G...we R sew knot payin any a ten shunz two thiz post... ducky can tell ya why !!!


    see ya next week ~~~~ !!!!!!

  3. Mr Hawk comes here too. He sometimes tries to take chicks from our neighbors'henhouse. Purrs

  4. OMC, the hawk left the feet? Eek!

    We don't know what the bald eagle was snacking on behind the house because the head peep let the vultures clean it up before she would go out there. Talk about a wimp.

  5. As long as Mr Hawk leaves you two alone - yikes!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Wait 'til he has kids! I guess it takes a lot of training to hunt and *not* leave most of the birdie behind.

  7. Yikes! Poor dove. We have hawks around here but haven't seen one lately.

  8. Stay inside kitties, that Mr. Hawk might want to take you away Ducky!

    We is envious of your green but not the thunder boomers.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.