
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer.

Lots of good things this week. New stuff blooming and growing. The bleeding heart plant mum got last year survived and is growing just fine.
 Here is a closer picture of the cute little flowers.
 Lilacs getting ready to open. Mum was sniffing at them and going AHHHH.
 Our red-twigged dogwood shrubs are leafing out just fine and the one that mum transplanted to the front is looking good too.
 Wild violets growing along the back fence with the ground cover. Mum says ground cover stuff is good. It helps keep the weeds down.
Trout Towne can stop reading here.

We saw a cool trifecta of fevvers this past weekend. Mr Oriole showed up, Mr Red Breasted Grosbeak visited and we saw our first hummerbird.

Hope your garden is doing well too. Love Virginger and Glimmer.


  1. Hi Ducky! Mom has all of those plants in her garden too! The bleeding hearts, the red-twigged dogwood, and the violets. I will have to blog about them. Thank you for reminding me.

  2. The garden is looking very promising. Thank you for showing us.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. I thought my bleeding heart was dead last year too, and am very happy that it's blooming now. Our lilacs are open and they smell heavenly.

  4. So nice to see your pretty yard :)
    The snow in our yard is finally gone and we have a few daffodils :)
    Mom likes lilacs,but we do not have any.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. V & G....manee thanx for de toor...we liked see inn all yur bleeding heart in R garden iz knot doin sew well...coz oh a bass terd hare....N speekin oh bass terd burdz...thanx two for de headz up coz we DID stop reedin rite ther N dinna see a thing bout em !!! Xxxxxxx
    happee week a head N see ya next thurzday!

  6. We love to see your garden ! Our lilacs are fully blooming here ! Purrs

  7. Both our lilac ad bleeding hearts are almost done at this end. They flowered quite explosively this year!

    The Chans

  8. After such a long winter, it's so nice to see the colors!

  9. Mom bean says things are starting to grow here. She lubs the bleeding heart a lot!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. We saw a red breasted grosbeak for the first time this past weekend too.

  11. So beautiful! Your garden flowers are so beautiful. Our mom misses our bleeding hearts after the sprinkler installer dug them up but maybe she'll get more for next year.

  12. The Bleeding Heart plant is very pretty.Mum keeps saying she will get one but never gets around to it.


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