
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday This and That

Sheesh, it has gotten overly cool here. So no open windows for the past few days. Mum even has a light jacket on inside the house. She turned the heaty monster off a few weeks ago and says she won't turn it back on until fall.

I haven't posted this before, but I got a care package for Easter from my sweetie Dora. That means the Queen got bizzy and sent me royal mail!

 Mum got chocolate so she is all happy. She loves chocolate!
 Mum gives me one of these, and lets me get the whole thing, but not in one big gulp. She breaks it into smaller pieces. YUMMY!


  1. What nice gifts from Dora! It's been warm the past couple of days, but we're about to go through another cool spell here in southern California later this week.

  2. What a nice surprise from Dora! She is quite the love.

  3. We could only wish fer "too cool" here. It was 90 and highly humid, so no open windows.

  4. What a nice gift from sweet Dora ! Purrs

  5. What a sweet gift from so far away! It is practically summer here, and we don't expect cool weather again until probably November.

  6. Fabulous present for you and mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Yep, our temps took a nose dive too, and we HAD to turn the furnace on! It's always nice to get a treat!

  8. We love Royal Mail! What a nice gift package for you AND mom!

  9. How nice of Dora!

    Thank you for your kind words about Cubby. We really miss him a lot.

    The Florida Furkids

  10. That was nice of Dora and her mum to send treats for you and your mum.

  11. kewl iz thiz !!! hope ewe N mum enjoy yur treetz fora long time ....way awesum oh dora two due thiz for ewe both ♥♥♥

  12. What a great gift!
    Have a super Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew


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