
Monday, May 11, 2015

ManCat Monday

Dynasties of cats, as numerous as the dynasties of the Pharaohs, succeed each other under my roof. - Theophile Gautier

HiYa, hope everyone had a good weekend. Mum helped out with an event that helps teens be better drivers. Mum does not teach, she chases after pylons when the cars hit them. All the students did good. They even got TV time! ( The video link is now working ). Mum is not on this. Chasing pylons is not sexy TV! Blowing up air bags is!

 Mum got home and then we spent the rest of the weekend together. Mum did her chores, we watched for fevvers, saw a hummer on Sunday. I sat on mum a lot and got cuddles and treats. Mum got books read.

We had a nice mum's day. We both had a bit of food treats!

Everyone have a good week.


  1. It sounds like you both had a nice weekend!

  2. At least you didn't have to ride with the trainees! Have a fun week Ducky!!!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  4. Oh yeah, that sounds like a purrfect weekend :)
    Nothing better than cuddles with Mom and some treats!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. A lovely weekend for the two of you.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. It sounds like you had a super weekend!!
    The Florida Furkids

  7. I'm glad you both got fun treats!

  8. Yippee for cuddle and treats time after chasing pylons all day!

  9. I am glad you got to spend time with your Mum.

  10. Darn! We would have enjoyed watching your Mum chase down pylons...

  11. What a nice weekend you both had.

  12. Sounds like a good Moms Day with books, hummers and cuddles!

  13. Sounds like a good weekend, Ducky.
    All of our hummers left and we can't figure out why. Do you think they could be fickle???

  14. dood...cranberreez...we wuz hopin ewe wuz gonna say mum took ewe ta skewl... sew ewe could show de kids how ta drive... N ewe wuz on tee & vee !! sounds like mumz day wuz a grate one.....heerz two a happee halibutt filled week a head ~~~~~ ♥♥♥


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