
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper!  The Island Cats said we were adding to the troops. Yep we are, and we figured that was a good name. 

Mum got a nice picture of the three of us after she planted her new lilac. It looks good and still looks good. Mum made sure it got a good drink last night as it hadn't rained much.
 Inspecting some of the plants mum put in last year, they are coming back fine and multiplying. These plants are to attract butterflies. Even our butterfly bushes survived, but they are just now starting to put out new shoots. Hopefully the will grow and get flowers on them.
 Plus our nice visit with Ducky. Mum says she will try to bring the little guy out more often in the evening. Once the shade gets on the patio and if it isn't warm and humid.
Mum forgots about these planters, so went and got a couple of geraniums to go in. One flower per pot. These guys are Frick and Frack!

Plus a short moovie of us and Ducky outside.

That is all for this week.

Trooper: Wait, Miss Virginger? Mum didn't put the big black boxes by the street.

Virginger: Good catch Trooper, but with the holliday, mum doesn't have to put it out until tonight for Friday pickup.

That is all, Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. You don't look like you were enjoying that experience all that much Ducky - a bit overwhelmed perhaps?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. You don't look like you were enjoying that experience all that much Ducky - a bit overwhelmed perhaps?

    Sydney, Australia

  3. meowloz everee one anda happee thurzday two all...N trooper ...thatz a veree
    good name !!! N will take ya a few ta get used ta de condo....we just
    hope ya dont hafta listen ta BURD song out ther !! ♥♥♥

  4. Hey, Ducky, that looks like a lot of fun! We enjoyed the tour of your garden too.

  5. We likes the name Trooper too! You kitties are doing a great job snoopervising in the garden.
    Ducky, we're not sure we'd like that cage, but mom bean thinks it would be a great thing to make sure we are safe when we go outside (snoopervised of course).

    Have a great weekend efurrybody!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Did you enjoy your trip outside, Ducky? We hope so. We miss our screened in porch.

  7. That looks like fun to see what is going on outdoors Ducky. Trooper is a nice name, and the three girls gave a good tour.


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