
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday This and That

Hope everyone had a good holly-day weekend. I hopes you are not where all the rain is coming down and having to move to higher ground for safety.

I had an adventure last night, I got to go outside and be outside for about a half hour.
 This is a soft, collapsible kennel for woofies, but mum uses it with us kitties too. When I first got here mum would either put me or Derby inside and let the other one wander around. That way we got to know each other, but couldn't fight!
So me and the girls has a nice chat and we came up with a name for NNIT. That will be revealed on Garden Thursday. Plus, if mum gets time, there will be short moovie of my time outside.

Mum played in the dirt with flowers again tonight, says this is really the last for this year.


  1. What a cool kennel! It's a good way to be outside without being outside. :)

  2. That is a cool kennel! I prefer being on a leash, but for kitties who don't do harnesses, I bet it's really fun.

  3. Ducky, you look good in there!

  4. Oooo, we like that playpen! We like it when moms play with flowers in the dirt but wish our mom would hurry up and be done with it. HA! She says she won't be done until 2017!

  5. That's a nice kennel ! Can't wait to know the name you found for NNIT ! Purrs

  6. cool iz yur out side condo !!!
    way awesum ~~ hope ewe N de galz hada grate
    holly day...we watched de food serviss gurl
    yard werk N houz werk then go bak ta werk
    fora break !!! lookin forward ta see in what
    NNIT name iz gonna bee ♥♥♥

    { iz it flounder ☺ } ~~

  7. Terrific that you had the opportunity to be outside and chat to the girls. Looking forward to hearing about the name on Thursday.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. We's been gettin lotsa rain, but luckily no floodin here.

  9. Ducky, that is the coolest thing ever!

  10. That must have been nice ta get outside like that!


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