
Monday, July 13, 2015

ManCat Monday

I always find it curious as to why I take such great pains to keep my cat's dishes clean when I know I'll look out the window and see her happily carrying a dead mouse in her mouth. - Fannie Roach Palmer

MOL, I agree, our beans go to such effort to give us nice clean bowls and such to eat off of, then we go lick our bottoms and eat some more!

Here is a video that shows mum giving me my gooshy foods! If you listen closely you can hear my soft meows saying, "hurry up mum and give me my dinner!"

Hope you all had a good weekend. We spent a quiet weekend at home. Mum doing chores, reading and napping like a good cat!

Happy week everyone


  1. I dunno... I was going to say that it seems like your human makes you really work for your dinner, meowing like that... but we all have to sit up for our food, so I guess I shouldn't say anything!

  2. well it's better than Miles' screaming at the mom for foods

  3. Weird, I couldn't get the video to run, but I'll try again later. You should see Patty O'Malley when I bring out his meals; he'll head butt me so hard sometimes, that I've spilled everything! Silly Patty!

  4. What a cute miaow you have , Ducky !
    Me too miaow when I wan´t my wet food :)

  5. You have a very cute meow, Ducky ! Purrs

  6. I meow for my food too. If mum doesn't know my dish is empty, I jump up and headbutt her.

  7. dood...we gived yur mewvie 984 paws UP !!!! tho we couldna heer ya coz we could knot tern up de volume......we just hope that waz knot burd.....

    oh, N we cracked UP but yur "kleen yur bottom" state mint !!! good one dood :) ☺☺

  8. Ashton talks up a storm for her dinner, too, so you're in good company!

  9. That's a cute lil meow ya got. I got more of a scream.

  10. Gosh, you sound an awful lot like Izzy, Ducky! It must be an orange thing.

  11. We crawl all over the mom waiting for our foods. She's never quick enough.

  12. Excellent meowing work there, Ducky. I'm not 100% sure what gooshy food is - perhaps good + mushy? Whatever - you certainly looked keen!

    Sydney, Australia

  13. What a cute meow you have, Ducky! Bet that will get you almost anything you want.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.