
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday This and That

The hots are gone, so the windows are open. Mum says don't get used to it, the hots will be back by the weekend.
Miss Megan from Sydney, gooshy foods are foods that are not dry. So soft, wet, with gravy and all. Sometimes also called stinky goodness. I get a bit of both foods, mum likes to please me.

So me and mum are just hanging out tonight. A little baseball to watch, otherwise mum will probably read her book!


  1. Enjoy your snuggles with mom bean! We has the hots back now and they is supposed to be gone by the weekend. Are they going to your house maybe? MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. Are you grooming your mum, Ducky?

  3. Thanks for helping me understand the gooshy food term, Ducky. I'm more familiar with 'stinky goodness', although, that said, crunchies can also be pretty stinky, can't they? I hope you're mum holds the book in such a way that you can read along too.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. What a cute pic of you and your Mom! Are you giving her kissies?

  5. At least we get open windows here at night - during the day, it's A/C all the way!

  6. We has definitely got da hots here - triple digit hots!

  7. It looks like you two are sharing the best seat in the house!

  8. Ducky, I bet you kept her company no matter what the evening brought.

  9. We are having some hots again after it being pretty cool for a while. The fans are running and we are comfortable! Here's hoping your temps stay pleasant.

    The Chans

  10. Mmmm, hope you're taking in some good cooler whiffies! More of our hots are coming soon too. Stay cool!

  11. hotz haz leeved heer fora few az well....til caturday

    heerz two a grate nite for ewe & mum, bee it reedin ore watchin sum mor base ball ~

  12. What a cute picture of you snuggling with your mom ! Stay cool ! Purrs


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