
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Almost the end of TockTober, it is a windy and rainy day. Mum says it needs to be more windy, bring the leaves down.  Look at all those leaves still on the tree! Mum wants them down so she can finish cleaning up the yard.

Plus she has to call the peoples to come and clean out the rain gutters, but won't do that until the leaves are down. This is a maple and all the other maples are the same way. Leaves haven't turned colors, mostly green, still up on the tree.

It is windy today, that will help. Otherwise we are bummed that the days are so short now. We don't worry about hours on the clock, just the sun comes up, it is light, then the sun goes down and it is dark. When it is cloudy, we don't even get to see the moon light.

That is all for this week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Plus it is National Cat Day. Isn't every day a cat day?


  1. Ducky, we are having lots of wind and it's gotten cold, but there are some very stubborn leaves that won't come down until mid-late November. The wind blows pine needles and dust into the 'O' cats water bowl, and I get bonked on the head with stuff when I stand out there as they eat! But, a warmer trend is coming...yay!

  2. hay ewe gals....

    we haza feerce wind two day heer az well, tho most oh de leeves
    in trout towne....left..... but then sew did de bass terd burdz & for that
    ......we give THANX !!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Jan hates that she has to rake leaves into January or February cause our leaves are so slow to come down. Not to mention she has to rake most of the leaves from the neighbor's tree which hangs over - way over - our dog pen and tree.

    It has taken just about the entire month but we finally got our tocks photos up.

  4. We have trees like that too. Sometimes it's almost Christmas and there are still leaves on them. Happy National Cat Day!

  5. We thought everyday was National Cat Day too!

  6. Hope you had a great National Cat Day, Ducky. The Hotties have finally got their 'Tocktober post up at *chin scritches*

  7. We have covers over our rain gutters and they werk pretty good. 3 years now and he cant see annything in them. If annything does get in, it washes out.

  8. Hope those leaves fall before the snows!


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