
Saturday, January 16, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here, happy Caturday! A little later than usual getting my post out. Mum wanted to get out and get her stuff done early. She is now home and ready to cook! Soup and pulled pork.

It started off all cloudy, now bright and sunny. That means grate places to nap in the sun. 
Yeah, this is the life, just soaking up the sunshines. It may be sunny but mum says it is going to get furry cold here over the weekend. So we will stay inside and be warm.

Mum got her annual box of orinch balls from Florida, good stuff to eat she says. Enuf to have one a day, or at least one each work day for her lunch, and be good until spring and warmer weather show up.

Later we will be ready to watch feetsball. The Pack is back playing the red birds in the desert. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of the game they played a few weeks ago.

Happy Weekend.


  1. That looks like a fabulous place for sun, Ducky! Happy weekend to you both!

  2. Glad you got the sun today Ducky! It was sunny here most of the day too, but very cold, so I still didn't go outdoors.

  3. Have a good one, Ducky and mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I wish I could have had some sun today - I had a cat show, so I had to be in a show hall all day. It was supposed to be rainy, but I could see there was some sun instead through the sliver of windows I could see. Bummer!

  5. Enjoy your sunshine, Ducky. We had a little bit of sun today too.

  6. No sun here and it is supposed to start raining again later. I'm ready for some sunshine but we are doing the best we can to stay warm around the heaters.

  7. Enjoy your sunshine, Ducky, and have an Easy Sunday ! Purrs


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