
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday This and That

Yay mum is back home, all safe and sound. Another trip for her and Miss Lynn to the mayo place. They had good driving, dry roads and mostly sunshine for the trip. There was a bit of snow overnight and some furry cold air, but that didn't bother them.

Mum was barely gone a whole 31 hours, didn't leave until mid Monday morning, back by 5 PM on Tuesday! Just about the time she normally gets home from day hunting.
It gives me lots of time to snooze. I am in my backup spot here for the heaty spot. You can just see it behind me and the table helps keep the warms down by me. Lots of sun during the day, a tiny bit of snow overnight here too.

Mum says she needs an early night. Too much driving hard to get places on time. Oh, Miss Lynn's checkup was terrific!


  1. I am glad Miss Lynn's checkup was good. Thank you for the kind words you left for me about the loss of my Stinky. XO

  2. Glad to hear she's home safe and the checkup went well.
    Stay warm and you two get lots of rest.

  3. Good news all the way around! But I still hope you get an extra treat or two.

  4. I hope your mum makes a big fuss of you after being away overnight, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I am glad that Miss Lynn had a great check up, and that they are home safe and sound.

  6. We's happy to hear your furriend is doing well, that your mom made it hone safe and sound, and of course that you got some great naps!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Sku

  7. Unner a low shelf near a warm spot seems like a really good place ta nap!

  8. We're sure glad to hear that the check up went well and hooray for a homecoming!!!! Homecomings are always much better than homegoings!

  9. That's a wonderful spot to sit to soak up all the heats!

  10. Good Luck to yer Packers Guys this weekend. As to the bet mousie, we will give it and more stuff to the local cat shelter. Yeah, we have too many toys too.


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