
Saturday, October 29, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It is starting out to be a blah day around here. The tiny bit of sun is gone, but it is nice out. We saw people on the trail in shorts, tshirts and no jackets!

My retirement series has ended, hope you enjoyed and got ed-u-cated on how things will change when your beans stay home all the time. Spitty's mum had a request that I put all of the sessions in one place. I did that! There is now a page that links to all sessions. You can see that on the right hand side, top of the side bar.

The links are very minimal, just the date, topic listed. No pictures. Very bare bones, mum says we don't need to dress it up. Why not? Give you something to do!HAHAHAHA.
It hasn't been that cold here, yeah, there was a tiny bit of ice on the fevver bath. Mum could have poked the ice apart with her fingers, the hammer was overkill! She didn't want to get her fingers all wet and cold.

Mum says she will work on her kitch-hen cupboards today. Getting them all organized and stuff, get rid of the old foods that are way old. Other stuff she isn't likely to use. Some will go to the food pantry peoples.

Mum also did a bit of work at the library this week. They were selling books they didn't need anymore. She help get the boxes of books out on Tuesday, Friday morning she helped take money from people who wanted those books.

Guess that is about all for now. Everyone have a wonderful weekend.


  1. TBT has been retired all our lives, so we aren't sure what to compare life to. But we will look at the retirement Sessions page. MOL!

  2. Your Mom is sure busy with the cleaning. Thanks for coming by and your kinds words. Mom is cleaning up too and finding all the furs left behind and even some from Beau Beau. Purrs from over da bridge.

  3. Your mom sounds very busy ! Happy Caturday, Ducky ! Purrs

  4. My mum has been sorting out her kitchen cupboards too, and found things at the back that should have been thrown out long ago. It has turned warmer here again so I am enjoying lying in the garden instead of by the wood burner.

  5. When your mum has finished her cupboards, could she come over to our place and do it here please?

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I love book sales, I bet she enjoyed working at that.

  7. It was warm here the low 70s! The mom didn't wear shorts, but she saw some guy in them. :)

  8. Things sound quite pleasant at your end, Ducky, We have a beautiful day today, and it's supposed to get warm, and stay this way for several days. Sunpuddles, here we come!

    The Chans


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