
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Trying to dry out! We had a wet, cold and windy day yesterday. Mum only poked her head out long enuf to pick up the paper during the heavy rain. Later after it got dark she did get the trash out for pickup. Don't blame her, it was nasty out! Nearly two inches of rain.

But the day before, Tuesday, was all cold! It was so cold that there was a little bit of ice on the fevver bath.
 So that the fevvers could get at drinking water, mum came out with her hammer and broke up the ice. It was starting to melt, but this made it quicker.
 You could see the frostiness on the naybor's roof. You can also see that some trees are bare of leaves, others still have lots of leaves.
 Here is our mum, the purple flowers have started to open up their blooms. So we still have a tiny bit of color.
Mum also started to clear out some of the garden. Getting rid of the deaded and icky stuff. Weeds and grass where they shouldn't be. She likes being able to take her time at this. Got a couple of days done, then can skip the bad weather days and wait for a nice day again.

That is all for this week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. Sounds like mum is working hard even though she's retired.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We are very lucky that Mom doesn't have to do all that outside work where we live. Your mom is a hard worker even in her retirement!

  3. Wow, it is cold where you are!! Here, it is still in the 80s. That is very unusual for this time of year - still seems like summer, but winter is supposed to be here soon, MOL.

  4. It has been frosty here, but now it is milder again. Eric's mums are flowering well, but one silly single flower is half red and half yellow.

  5. Two inches of rain. Wow! We get lots of rain but usually over a longer period of time. We've also been cold at night but not to the frost point yet. Stay toasty!

  6. Wow, it's cold enough to freeze the water ? We have frost in the morning, that's all. Stay warm ! Purrs

  7. That's a lot of rain! Good that you all have some place safe and dry to hang out!

  8. We are thinking of getting a birdbath warmer... Anything to keep the fevvers happy...


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