
Saturday, March 25, 2017


HiYa Ducky here. Well, I spent the night in mum's closet! I didn't want to spend the night there, but mum did not see me sneak in, she shut the door and crawled into bed. Fell asleep until morning. I got out when she got her robe out this AM.

She stayed up late watching bracketball, it was after midnight when she went to bed. So a quick potty, hang up the robe and into bed. She must have been sleepy to have missed me. Our team losted, so no Bucky Badger playing on. Mum is bummed but we would have had to play Truffle and Brulee's team.

When mum first let me out she kept saying, "go use the litter box", but all I wanted to do was to cuddle with her. I missed my nighttime and morning cuddles with her and I needed my fill.

I am back to my usual spot, in the hammick, getting ready for a nap.
 I have a new sisfur, well, she really doesn't have fur. She is all bright and shiny and will join the other girls outside when they get up for the year.
 Mum says her name is Fleur, that is French for flower. Right now she is hanging out inside with us and sitting in the flower pot with the silk flowers.

 Some of our flowers, the crocus, it was a bit warmish for a while on Friday so the blooms were nicely open for mum to take pictures. It is going to be a cold day here, rainy too. Good for naps.
Happy weekend everyone.


  1. Oh Ducky - that sounds like a horrible experience. I'm so glad that you survived!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Whoa! We're glad you survived, Ducky. We hope you didn't have to pee or anything like that.

  3. I would say that being locked in the closet all night was no fun... but it sounds from your human's Facebook post earlier that you didn't mind it all that much, except for the missed cuddling. I bet if you had really wanted out, you would have complained, loudly!

  4. oh no!! Once my Angel Bobo was accidentally locked in the closet and he was terrified!!!!!! I like your new "sister" but she is a little stiff....MOL!! xoxo

  5. Hmmm, seems like being locked in the closet wouldn't be such a bad thing here considering it's one of my most favorite places to explore day after day after day...
    Happy Sunday to you!!

  6. Poor Ducky, that's no fun ! We're glad you survived without any pee or poo incident ! Purrs

  7. Wow Ducky ! I'm glad everything turned out all right ! I bet if Mom hadn't been so tired she would have missed your cuddles too ! Purrs

  8. Your mom has such a pretty yard, Ducky. She is very talented! My Human wrote SUCH a bunch of lies about me on Facebook. I did *NOT* cry like a little girlkitten when I got locked in the closet. I just made a few ManCatlyshouts of annoyance. That was all.Yep, nothing more to it than that. Honestly, they live to embarrass us, don't they?


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