
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

HiYa Ducky here. Sort of a quiet week around here, mum has been around, yesterday she went with a furiend to a funeral of a long time racing purrson. Mum said it was a nice simple service with lots of love.

Now many of you were amazed at off of the snow we had last week, which is gone. But guess we get these types of snows now and then.

Just to show you all that Mother Nature has a sense of humor. Nine years ago on this day it was Easter. We had snow on the ground like it was Christmouse! Wowza!

Sunday March 23, 2008
For those of you who do not know how they pick the date when Easter falls, mum says it goes as follows.

The first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the first full day of spring. Easter can fall from March 22 through April 25. It is rarely this early in March. It won't be this early again for a furry long time. Easter of 2035 as a matter of fact, I don't think I will be around!

But I looked back to last year when Easter was in April. We again had snow and cold and Easter was nearly two weeks later. Here are my linkies to post last year showing our terrible cold we had last year. April 7 and April 11 It was the middle of April before we got rid of our snow. Actually it was gone in March, then all of a sudden we got cold and snow again.

Here are pictures from Saturday morning of the snow piles and the yard. Mum says the snow piles off the patio are about the same height as they were back in February after the big snow.
I hope this is it for this year. As of now at the official measuring station this is the second snowiest winter season in Milwaukee. Mum says that with the sun being higher in the sky and the longer days helps melt the stuff faster. Even today she said it was getting nice and melty in places. Just harder to tell.

Everyone have a good Easter Day.


  1. It's this kind of variation that keeps us all talking about the weather year after year Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Wow, winter really does stick around for you guys! I hope you've seen the last of it this year, though.

  3. We can remember getting snow in April. But it's not something we like to see.


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