
Monday, March 20, 2017

ManCat Monday

Two things are aesthetically perfect in the world - the clock and the cat. - Emile Auguste Chartier
 These are just the few pictures that mum can find of me up by the ticky-tock clock. Plus you can't really see the clock!
 Here is a picture of Derby from 5 years ago in front of the clock, plus flowers mum got after she got her surgery back then.

Mum has had a chat with the girls, they are getting ready to make their debut, but it still might be a few weeks. Yeah, they know spring starts today, but after all the snow last Monday, they have been happy to be warm and dry. You can see it is melting, the box and the table were buried last Monday.
 I have been helping mum with her hat stuff. Spending time watching bracketball gives her time to work on hats. We are happy, our team is still dancing on to the Sweet 16. Plus mum's high school won the state championship too this weekend. Third year in a row.
Happy Spring, have a good week.


  1. Our team moved on to the Sweet 16 too!

  2. Sounds like your week has gotten off to a good start!

  3. Glad to see you involved in your mum's hat project, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. It's nice of you to help your mom, Ducky ! Claire wishes she has time to knit a pink hat ! Purrs

  5. dood...tell virginger N de crew they mite az well catch sum extree zzzzz'z

    N hay, total lee awesum job ewe R doin on yur hatz; yur mumz taken credit
    for yur werk ya noe ~~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  6. I don't blame the girls for wanting to wait for better weather.

  7. It's still a little chilly outside for the girls to be out there.

  8. Happy Spring! Mom bean says she might have heard a robin this weekend, so perhaps it will arrive here soon.

  9. Other than that pesky snow, it looks like you are off to a good spring start! We're still stuck in the cold rain and probably will be, on and off, until mid April. Have a good week!

  10. Ducky,
    I'm so happy for you FINALLY, Spring is here =^x^=


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