
Saturday, March 18, 2017


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy weekend! We all made it to another end of the week. Ours was crazy with all of the snow on Monday.

Mum has been watching a bit of the bracket ball the past days.  So she has been working on the last few hats she promised people. So I decided to play with the one that was done. She hopes to have the last one done by Monday.
 Then a couple of pics of me looking out of the window at the snow. With sunshine it disappears quickly. Mum says March snow doesn't stick around long. 
So here are a few pics that show the snow and how it is now disappearing. Mum was taking her measurements off of these placed. On top of the box and the little table. Amember we had 13 inches by Monday night. So these pics are from Monday through Friday.
 Not much left this AM, but mum hasn't taken her pictures. Wondering how long until the whole mess is gone.The snow is going in the front so we can see our little flowers again too. They got buried, but will be OK.
Have a wonderful weekend. Be safe and happy.


  1. Wow, you sure got a lot of snow Ducky! We had some early last week but it is almost all gone now, except in the shady areas. It is so nice we've even gotten some sunny room time!

    Have a great Caturday!

  2. That was a lot of snow but I am glad it has nearly gone now.
    Looks like you were having fun with the hat.

  3. It's nice to see your flowers again ! We hope you won't get snow again. Purrs

  4. Cool, flowers soon! Have a nice weekend.

  5. We had some snow today, Ducky. But by the end of the day, most of it was gone already.

  6. Hey Ducky, That sure is a ton of snow! Dad saw this and mumbled something about not missing "that sh*t", whatever that means. Sometimes he doesn't make sense. Okay, many times he doesn't make sense (mom said to write that). Glad it goes so quickly. Happy Sunday to you!!

  7. you got a lot of snow! Thankfully the snow we recently received is almost gone. catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. At least you have seasons, Ducky. Here we seemed to have pretty much skipped spring and went right into our May/June temps.

  9. well if ya hafta have 13 inches, it's good it went away so quickly!!


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