
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

HiYa, Ducky here. Things are looking good after all of the snow. Mum has been out and about town doing stuff. No issues getting anywhere, the snow piles are melting and our robin has found the feeder with the meal worms.

Today's flashback is Derby, hanging out in mum's old chair in the back. I remember than chair, it wasn't here long, then mum got the new one I like better. 

Friday March 16, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

If a room has too much metal energy in the form of white furniture, shed on the furniture to soften the energy.

The gentle curve of a sleeping cat can also aid in softening metal energy.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

We don't have any metal furniture in the house and we don't have any white furniture in the house. But I agree that a kittie can make any chair look better. This is a furry old chair that mum gotted from Grampie, but don't I make it look wonderful?


  1. Derby certainly made that chair look wonderful, didn't he Ducky?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I agree - kitties are totally the fang to a home's shui! Or something like that.

  3. dood...inn deed ewe due make de cahir lookz total lee awesum
    N guess de galz iz gonna hafta high ber nate sum mor huh....noe gardenin
    for a while at thiz rate ~ ♥♥♥

  4. Only the very best chairs have a kitty on them. And yours is fabulous!

  5. Uh oh! I have a white dresser in the bedroom, I probably should get rid of it! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. We love that pose of Derby's--all serene! Glad your snow is going, Ducky.

  7. Derby sure did set that chair off nicely, didn't he? Purrfect Fang Shui!


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