
Saturday, October 14, 2017


HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. Looks like it will be a gloomy day. All clouds and rain today. We did see a few minutes of sun yesterday, but it wasn't much. Weather guesser says more sun tomorrow.

So me and mum didn't do much yesterday. She was getting something delivered and the email said the guy in the brown shorts would need a signature. Nope. The door bell rang, he put it inside the door and left! Now mum was home, so she brought it in right away. But really! She said not to worry, she didn't have anyplace to get to yesterday anyway.

What she did do was to do reading and that is when I invade her lap and let me some loves. I will show you the loves that I get!
Yeah, this was nice, all sorts of scritches in all the right places. Did you see my magnificent whisker humps? Do you pick out the whisker that wants to grow in black?

Mum got out the Hollow-weenie stuff this past week and brought some new stuff home too. You saw the sign about mum and the monsters. Yeah, some days she is a witch.

Mum says she needs to get going. Today she can drop off some old electronics for recycling for free, but she has to drive out close to where she used to day hunt. So she knows exactly where she is going.

Everyone have a good weekend. I wish we could send our rain back to Catifornia to help put out those fires. Be safe all of you.


  1. Have a nice Caturday, Ducky! I wish we could put out the fires in northern California with our purrs too.

  2. That's some good lovin', Ducky! Cloudy and rainy days are good for that. Have a nice weekend.

  3. That Mum of yours sure knows what she's doing in the scritch department!

  4. Magnificent loving on some magnificent whisker humps.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. You sure we're enjoying all the loving you were getting, Ducky.

  6. Those were some pawsome scritches Ducky! You're a lucky kitty.

    We had the cools here yesterday but the sunny room warmed up enough for us to spend the afternoon out there. Mom bean says we'll get out there again today too!

    We sure wish all the rains would put out the fires too and the storms would stop. It's been a bad time for lots of beans and their fur babies too.

  7. What a lovely video of you and Mom ! Purrs !

  8. We hope you are having a perfectly wonderful weekend!

    Noodle and crew

  9. My goodness, you are getting lots of loves. I do see your manly whisker humps. They are magnificent.


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