
Monday, October 16, 2017

ManCat Monday

My husband said it was him or the cat....I miss him sometimes. - Anonymous

MOL, well we don't have to worry about that, it is only me and mum. We get along just fine! You try moving in on my mum, ya gotta go through me!
 Some still shots of me getting loves from mum.  You stopped, I didn't ell you to stop
We had a rainy Caturday. Mum did her one errand, them came home to hang with me. She readed her book, I hung out in her lap and we just had a nice day being inside.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Well, it wasn't a good day. First they losted to the ViQueens. ARodg landed on his shoulder, broked his collarbone and didn't play for most of the game. Plus they are saying he may not be able to play the rest of the season. Well, me and mum may need to find other things to do on Sunday as watching feetsball won't be fun with no ARodg playing.


  1. You need to tell your mum that she's to keep the scritches going until you say to stop - okay?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Ducky, it sounds like you and your human had an ideal fall weekend!

  3. Ducky, I can tell your mom is an expert of scritches !

  4. That cute orange head is just to scritchable!

  5. We are the same here about TBT. Strangers come to the door and we growl at the top of the stairs. Ya gotta protect the scritchy-fingers person. And food can opener... And litterbox cleaner, etc...

  6. It's always nice to get some good ear rubs.

  7. Pop loves the Packers. Right now all TW's attention is on her Yankees in the baseball playoffs. Nothing like fall baseball. You mom is a good scritcher, Ducky.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.