Yeah, nice and sunny, but super cold out. Mum was all covered up and all you could see were her eyes. Somehow the fevvers and sqwerls seem to do OK even when it is super cold.
Me trying to get a bit of sun. Mum lowers those shades when the sun isn't coming in when it is super cold. She even let the heaty monster at its daytime temp all night. She heard that is is better on the monster if it doesn't have to work hard in the AM to bring it the temps back up. Maybe on Friday we will be out of the deep freeze.
Today's Throw Back, takes us back 10 years to Derby, well being Derby.
From January 30, 2009
Finally Friday
Woot, we made it to Friday. Lots going on to tell you about.
First lots and lots of purrs for Moki, he isn't doing well with infection and blood in his urine. Purrs needed.

The other day I told you about all of the kitties that mum sees as she drives to work. Yesterday morning as she drove she saw a lump by the side of the road, all smooshed up. At first mum thought it might be a squirrel but as she got closer it was a little white and gray tabbie kittie!
Mum said there was nothing she could do, the kittie had gone to The Bridge. I know my buds who are already there welcomed the newbie. If the kittie was a feral kittie it now has a wonderful place, warm and safe to be in. If a family losted their kittie because it got outside, we is sorry about your loss, but remember to keep your kitties INSIDE.