
Saturday, February 9, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It is starting out nice and sunny today but cold. Not super deep freeze cold, but still cold enuf.

Crazy week with the weather guessers. Melty, sleet, snow, freezing rain, rain, snow, ice. So what is on the ground is all hard and mum needs to be careful walking. I don't want here to fall down and go boom.
 So above is when it was all melty out, you can see the snow is pretty much gone. Below is the driveway. Mum got purrty much all the icy stuff off, so it sin't slippery. Although all the junk at the end of the drive is frozen. Mum says it will just have to melt.
 Celebrating that Mr Sun is coming back north. It has gotten enuf north that it is hitting the inside of the frame of the big windows that go to the floor. We hadn't had a sunny day for a while, so happy to see this milestone for us. Soon we will have lots of sun coming in that room. You can see the outside of the house too. Mum had gone out to check on the fevvers and make sure they had food and water.
Me? Well, I am doing my usual stuff. Here I am helping mum with the crow-shay blankie, she is now 70% done. Way to go mum. Plus she gets lots of reading in. She almost read an entire book yesterday, but then put it down to crow-shay for a while.
Happy weekend one and all. Stay happy, stay warm.


  1. It still looks plenty cold so keep smugly warm!

  2. I agree Ducky, your mum needs to be careful so she doesn't slip on the ice.

  3. Happy Caturday, Ducky. We always have to be careful when walking on those icy streets or sidewalks. You and mum have the best idea to stay home to relax and let all the stuff melt. Thanks for the share.
    World of Animals

  4. Thanks for the update Ducky. It's good to know that you and your mum are keeping safe and warm.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Sounds like you and your human are having a nice weekend, Ducky! I hope there's more melting around your house!

  6. We are so lucky that we can stay warm and cozy when the weather is cold and nasty. It's pretty stormy here today.

    The Chans

  7. I haven't picked up a book in too long; the days are so busy, but my audiobook in my car is terrific!

  8. tell Mom to be careful with the ice! Ice is the worst!


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