
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Throw Back Thursday

Things are OK around here. Mum had to call a plumber guy to come and get a big plug out of the bathroom sink drain. He wasn't here long and mum is happy to have the sink workable. Me too, that is my main drinking sink.

Yeah, it melted, the past few evening we have been getting sleet and freezing rain. Mum didn't even bother to clean the stuff off and won't until she knows the freezy stuff is done. Mum says if the bottom layer is there the freezing rain doesn't usually stick so hard.

Today's flashback takes us back ten years when we again had some melting going on.Derby even got open windows! I haven't had open windows yet this year.

From February 7, 2009


Beautiful Day for us today. Here are some pictures that show all of that white stuff is starting to go away.
This is when mum first got up and went to get her newsy paper from outside about 7:30 in the morning.
This is about 1 PM.
This is about 4 PM.
This is around 4 PM and Mr Moon was showing his face.
Mum was watching the thingy she has that tells her how hot or cold it is, we got to 49F at our house, the official weather place got to 53F. So she went and opened the windows in the kitchen for me, not all the way but enough to breathe in the fresh air.


  1. Dat freezing rain and sleet are some nasty stuff.

  2. Well, you've still got open windows to look forward to Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Your turn for open windows will come, Ducky!

  4. Oh, Ducky...if you would have heard The Hubby cussing as he chipped ice off the windows of The Cat Car yesterday! Today, the temps are going up, then they plummet back down again. And yet, we are already a week into February...yay!

  5. Freezing rain sounds really unpleasant! I'm glad we're not having any in New York, where we are this week.

  6. It looks like Derby really enjoyed those fresh air whiffies.

  7. eye act shoo a lee getted ta go inta de garage N get sum airz at de thing since they put trout ina can !!!

    tuna of moon ☺☺♥♥

  8. Such sweet photos of Derby and his window whiffies.


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