
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Caturday - Derby Day

Happy Caturday, it is the day the horsies run for roses and a day when me and mum cellybrate my late grate bro Derby.

Derbs was adopted on the first Caturday of May and that is why he got called Derby. Here is his shelter mug shot, with a smile on his face. Which is why he got called Smiley Boy by mom Toni.
 Below, one of his first pics once he moved in, sitting by an open window. He loved to hang out in the kitch-hen window and soak up the sun.
So to cellybrate horsies and Derby I had mum put out some goodies for us to have while we wait for the horsies to run for the roses.

 Call to the post and call to the buffet. We got chick-hen and ham. Just ask the waiters for more if you are still hungry.
 The race day wouldn't be complete without a few nip juleps as well. Drink responsibly.
Plus happy Star Wars Days. May the Fourth be with you.


  1. Aww, beautiful photos of dear Angel Derby. Dad would sure love a taste of the fried chicken and the ham, since he get to eat neither these days. Happy Weekend!

  2. Angel Derby will always be special for so many reasons!

  3. Lovely photos of Derby, especially the second one.

  4. Happy Derby Day! We sure miss that boy. Great spread! Our mom is going to the dogs today but we'll be there!

  5. Angel Derby, you are not forgotten!

  6. We will be asleep by the time the race starts, so we wish you happy viewing (and snacking!).

    The Chans

  7. He was a great bloke. It's certainly worth having a party in his honour.

    Sydney, Australia


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