
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Garden Thursday

Welcome to Garden Thursday. It has been cool and rainy here. Mum says sunshine will come tomorrow an on the weekend.
You can see us here from Sunday with the sunlight coming to melt things. Glimmer had the best idea, she was under the little table. Mum put her here since she was falling off the table all the time. Trooper and me should have done the same thing!

The one thing with cool weather the flowers last longer. Although we prefer to see them without snow on them. 

It was too wet for mum to work at the community garden this week, they canceled out the workday. Hopefully next week will be better.

See you next week. Hopefully with more warms and sunshine.


  1. It has been cool and rainy here too but at least we don't get snow often.
    The hyacinths are pretty.

  2. Our states have had a very strange month of April for the gardens. Hoping this is the end of the snow and that your gardens will flourish.

  3. We hope the garden gets warmed up soon!

  4. Every time I go for a walk in the evening, I get rained on! D'OH!

  5. hay ewe galz....we heer ya on de warmz....we feer itz gonna go strait on ta summer with out springz oh any kind heer in de land oh trout ~~

  6. We hope you have nothing but good weather from now on, girls!

  7. Those flowers are very pretty.

    Sydney, Australia


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