
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. It has been mostly hot and sticky with a few nice days in between. When it is nice mum gets out to do outside work. Pulling the weeds, fighting off the skeeters.

Our eggyplants have flowers but we can't see any actual fruit starting to develop. Plus with the hots weather mum has to make sure she keeps them well watered. One day she looked out and they were all wilty. She watered them good and they look fine now.

Community garden stuff. They have been starting early to beat the heat, so the first pic is of the broccoli and Swiss chard.
 A flower on the potato plant. The big garbage can is full of dirt so that the potatoes will grow in the dirt.
 Lettuce, onions, eggplant, peppers and lettuce.
 The ferns of the asparagus just growing tall. Mum put in the orange tape to help hold them up and then they don't get stepped on.
 Newly planted lettuce, radishes with cucumbers growing up the strings.
 This mess is climbing peas. Mum doesn't care for peas. There were blossoms so not long before peapods.
 A wide view of the garden the can with the potatoes on the right hand side.
That is all for this week. Stay cool everyone.


  1. Your mum and her mates are doing sensational work on the community garden. Really inspiring stuff.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Looks like everything is growing well!

  3. The community garden is coming along very nicely! It's great your mum helps keeping it looking good.

  4. You and your Mom are such fabulous gardeners!

  5. She doesn't like peas?!? Little round jewels of flavor! Oh, she must try them fresh from the pod, which is what my siblings and I did as children. Nowadays, The Hubby puts peas on many of our meals, and I delight in them.

  6. hay ewe gardinz lookin grate; if it bee az dry ther az it iz heer... itz lookin sooooper grate !!! stay kewl all sew; itz vizshuz hot out ther thatz for sure ! ☺☺♥♥

  7. The community garden is growing well with lots of different veggies.

  8. What fun photos of the community garden. Except for the PEAS. Not only do we not like them, our mom does not like them either.


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