
Saturday, July 13, 2019


HiYa, Ducky here. Well some big changes here a Casa de Ducky. Mum went on a cleaning tear yesterday morning. Moving fur-niture, rugs, using the sucking monster a lot. She even uncovered the love seat with taking off the throw and didn't put on a clean one.
 Checking out the old love seat with nothing piled up on it! That alone is strange.
 The rug that was under the little table is now sitting where the furniture will go. This is to cover up the carpet where it was all matted down by the love seat.
 Bye little love seat. The delivery guys carried it out to the curb by the street. Mum figures someone will come by and take it. We got lots of years of use, someone can have it for free. She couldn't donate it as they don't take fabric furniture from people with cats because of allergies.
 First of the new chairs sitting in the drive and then in place in the house.
 Second chair in place. Mum needs to cut the tags off yet. Both of the chairs are recliners so mum can put her feets up. She says she can tell she sits up higher and that she has more firm support while she sits. She likes that.
 Um mum? What's with the change? Can I sit on this stuff?
 Yes, I can sit on this stuff and I jumped up to check things out. You can see some of the other stuff that should be in the living room still sitting in the other room. Mum wants to clean more afore she moves all the stuff back.
 OK, I made it to the top of the chair. I have a good view. Mum needs to move the lamp back as well and get the tags off. 
The hots are coming back, so we will be staying in and be cool. Will enjoy our new chairs!

Happy weekend everyone.


  1. Oh my, I hope you enjoy your new seats, they sure look nice!

  2. Of course you can sit on the new chairs - after all, she bought two: one for her and one for you (except when you choose to sit on top of her sitting on top of her chair! LOL). Enjoy!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. It's always sad to see a bit of old, comfy, kitty-smelling furniture leave but new stuff is fun too. Looks like you have approved of the new chairs Ducky!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. How nice--one for you and one for your mum!

  5. The Hubby would be drooling, if he saw your new chairs, Ducky!


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