
Monday, July 15, 2019

ManCat Monday

Cats aren't clean, they're just covered with cat spit.

Yeah, well, our cat spit is better than human spit. So there.

Mum was off with racy cars this weekend and somehow it all had to do with cats! Ah yes, that race. The one with the chick-hen dinner too.

So they have different themes each year, this one one Red, White and Mew! So mum wore here shirt that had two cats on it. Someone even asked her if she had it customer made for the weekend. Mum said no, she just had it in her closet. Plus she won one of the event shirts which is the logo above.

The theme was on every sheet of paper they used as this is one of the sheets mum has to use to line up cars for each race. Plus they had cat box races! Really, they get our boxes and race them? Mum says no, they actually use cardboard boxes. Mum didn't stay to see the actual races since she comes home at night. Some day she may stay and take pics. They even have there own tech sticker! Mum found one on the jar with the snacks.

 Plus here is the last of the cooking chick-hens and below is where they are cutting them up for the peoples to eat.

Me, I stayed home where it was nice and cool. Mum got home last night and since it was nice she even got the grass eater out and got that done. It is going to be super hot here this week and mum wanted to get it done.

Everyone have a good week, stay cool.


  1. I hope she brought something home for you Ducky - a leftover piece of chicken perhaps?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Hoo boy, them chick-hens sure do look appetizing! It's gonna be a hot week here, too. Stay cool as you can.

  3. How interesting that they adopted a cat theme!

    That food does look delish!

    Tama and Genji

  4. We are drooling over the sight of those chick-hens! Hopefully, you got a little bit? LOVE the cat theme and LOVE LOVE LOVE the thought of cat box races!

  5. Happy Mancat Monday, Ducky!! We see mom had a wonderful time over the weekend. We love your mom's shirt that she wore to the event. Thanks for the share. Going to have some chicken after seeing that delicious photo. That sure is a lot of goodness.
    World of Animals

  6. A cat theme and chicken is purrfect!

  7. dood.....ya noe....thiz post waz goin grate; red white & mew.....then sudden lee like de TERNED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  8. Whomever came up with this year's slogan, they get four paws up from us!

  9. OMC the cat theme is pawtastic and OMG that chick-hen looks amazing!

  10. OMC, look at all those chickens! That made us hungry all over again!

    We are boiling here this week too.

  11. Wha a fun event! Your mum should have brought you home some chick-hen.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.