
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. The super hots are here and we are doing our best to stay cool. Mum is out early to water the eggyplants and refill the fevver bath.

Speaking of the eggyplant, It is going well. WOW! The first three pics were taken on Monday
 The pics below were taken  yesterday. The one with the mum's finger above and her hand below is the same eggyplant fruit. It grew a couple of inches in the two days. It will soon be ready to eat!

So how about some flowers! The lilies are here and blooming nicely.


The community garden is doing ok. With the hots this week they got there early, watered everything good, harvested some peas and was home two hours after they left. Next week will be the same thing.

Stay cool, see you next week. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur. 


  1. Sensational eggy-plants and beautiful flowers. Well done mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Nothing like fresh eggy-plant! And those flower colors are just the most beautiful.

  3. The Hubby wants your eggplant! He'll cook it up nicely...for me!

  4. WOW and hooray for eggplant, you are doing so good with your garden!

  5. Well done for the eggplant ! Your garden is beautiful ! Purrs

  6. Your mum sure does have a green thumb!

  7. The eggplants are growing wonderful. The flowers look very beautiful. We hope you are enjoying the air conditioning during this heatwave. It's crazy humid out there. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  8. hay ewe galz !!! heerz whatz growin in de land oh trout...dandee lionz, thiztle, clover N sum thin we due knot EVEN noe what it bee !!! hope everee one stayz kewl ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  9. Wow! We're excited about the eggplants! Pretty flowers, too. Stay cool, all!


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