
Monday, October 14, 2019

ManCat Monday

A man has to work so hard so that something of his personality stays alive. A tomcat has it so easy, he has only to spray and his presence is there for years on rainy days. - Albert Einsten

MOL, not all of us spray you know, but we stay alive in our human's memory. Mum often thinks of so many cats at The Bridge, their humans too.

Mum survived her cold morning  helping at the run. She was gone from the house about 2 hours. Showed up in time to get set up, then to wait until the runners actually passed their water station, then looped back around and come by again.  Mum filled cups with water from the big blue jugs, others handed them out. They didn't hand much out since it wasn't a warm day.
 The rest of the crew and the leader, a guy on a bicycle showing the route, the first runner, not far behind.

The first runner and then runners going back to the start/finish line. 

Sportz Report

The Pack doesn't play until tonight against those lion guys.

Bucky Badger - unbeaten and pitched another shut out beating Michigan State. So far Bucky has play 3 teams from the mitten state and beaten them all. Matter of fact two of those teams didn't even scored a point. So Wisconsin 134 - Mitten State 14

Basey Ball - in the playoffs and mum is at the Ho-Hum stage. She doesn't really care who wins, but she does watch at least some of the games.

So everyone have a good week and Go Pack Go tonight.


  1. Your first comment is spam from a water leak detection company. I did a google translate so must have too much time on my hands!
    Eric and Flynn never sprayed indoors and always squat in their boxes like good boys. Walking around the fields was a different matter and they had to leave their calling cards everywhere to warn off introoders.
    Even though it wasn't hot, those runners would have appreciated your mum and the team handing out water.

  2. We are wondering which Packer team, and which Lion team will show up tonight! But, we won't watch, 'cause we only have antenna TV, and Monday Night Football is on cable. The Hubby will be grumbling all evening, I guarantee it!

    1. It’s on regular TV, channel 7 in Detroit. We’re watching.

  3. I'm sure the runners had fun no matter the weather!

  4. dood....if they bee a runnin heer rite now they wood bee gettin cupz oh ice !!! grate for them N 984 pawz up two mom for helpin out !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. Your mum sure does a lot to help folks, Ducky!

  6. How nice of your mom to help out at the run.

  7. Love how your mum helps out. Maybe she should have been handing out hot chocolate! MOL


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