
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday This and That

It was rainy, then sunny, now back to clouds. Mum did go out a couple of time earlier. Get her head furs cut and take all her accumulated hats and other crow-shays to the food pantry for them to hand out when they can.
 Here is the big bag with the littler ones inside. The inside ones keep the sizes apart
 Men's hats.
 Kid's hats.
 Lady hat's, plus a couple of scarves.
 Then three blankies, two that have been hanging out in the closet since she finished them and the one she was working on and finished this past week.
Don't worry, she has a new blankie she is working on plus a new toy! A yarn winder.
 So the big ball of yarn, goes from this, gets spun around this.
 And ends up like this! Wow, now she doesn't have to do all that winding by hand, it is so much faster.
But mum says she will read a bit afore she goes back to her crow-shay.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - they snatched a victory from the jaws of defeet last night. The kicker guy did his thing and made a field goal so they won by one point. Then he went and did a Lambeau Leap!


  1. Ducky, we know that you have your eye on that yarn. Your mum is so sweet for making all these wonderful items to keep people warm. Thanks for the awesome share. Have a fantastic day.
    World of Animals

  2. That is a lot of lovely hats and blankies!

  3. Those hats will sure be appreciated and we appreciate how your Mom helps others!

  4. We are constantly amazed at what your mum does, Ducky! She's been very busy with all those wonderful hats! Will she let you play with her new toy or is she keeping it all to herself? We think you could at least snoopervise the winding.

  5. Your human does such awesome work, Ducky!

  6. It was so nice of your mum to buy you a yarn winder to play with Ducky. I bet you're going to have loads of fun with it! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  7. OMG, just threw me into the wayback machine, when my mother would drape a huge loop of yard around my two hands, so she could roll up a ball! A friend gave me a broken Fiestaware jug years ago, so I just stuff my yard in there, and pull the string out the spout!

  8. dood yur mums werk iz AWESUM !!!!

    noe lie...noe FSG tried ta lurn crow shay; anda BURD musta been on her shulder....her could knot due it...afturr bout try 55 she gave up !!!

  9. That is really awesome that your Mom does that Crow-Shay to give things out to people. Dad keeps saying that he wants to learn to do that and maybe this coming winter as he got a lot done this year. We hope as we have an eye on that yarn MOL.

  10. Pop is a big Packers' fan. Ducky, I celebrated Tock-tober today since I don't post on Sunday. I hope that's ok. It's wonderful of your mom to donate those warm hats!


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