
Saturday, December 21, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! Just a short time from Christmouse now, last Caturday afore Christmouse! Hope you got your shopping done, if not the stores will be crazy!

Miss Lynn is supposed to come by to help mum with laundry later. So that means mum better get going and get dressed. Mum says yes, she will do that once she is done typing for me!
 I did get a peek at one of my Christmouse prezzies, a new nip nanner! Mum won't let me have it for good until Christmouse Day! So I have that to look forward to.
 The other thing in that little box was the blue belt. It helps mum to do her stretchies on her ankle to get it moving again like it should. It is all stiff right now, so mum works on it a little at a time a few times a day. She even did a short walkies without the boot on. Not much and not many steps but that way she can tell how it feels to walk. Woohoo mum, you are getting better.
 We got the card below from one of mum's cuzzins. A new version of the 12 days of Christmouse, especially from Wisconsin!
So that is about it for now. The sun is up and shining, so I may need to find a sun puddle or two today to nap in.

Happy Winter Solstice Day! The sun can start coming back to us, the daylight time can get longer again. WooHoo!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. It is a very busy time of year for everyone! #1 won't be getting much in the way of Christmas gifts because she asked for contributions to her Hotesse et Heloise campaign instead, but we know there will be gifts for us!

    Tama and Genji

  2. Looks like Santa is taking good care of you Ducky! Hey, I'm all in on the more daylight thing!

  3. I am glad your mum's leg is improving.
    Your card has arrived, thank you.

  4. A new nip nanner? Whacko Ducky! That is something to look forward to.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. That Wisconsin Christmas made my human LOL!

  6. Ducky, you'd better push your momma to keep up with all of her therapy! It'll make all the difference in her complete recovery.


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