
Monday, December 23, 2019

ManCat Monday

The little furry buggers are just deep, deep wells you throw all your emotions into. - Bruce Schimmel

Happy Monday! First we want to wish all of those who cellybrate it a Happy Hanukkah that you have a wonderful cellybration for the next 8 days.
 We had a change in plans on Caturday. Miss Lynn didn't come over as her mum had a medical issue. She is OK. So the laundry got one on Sunday instead. Along with a bit of the sucking monster coming out. Mum even got me in her arms for a minute so Miss Lynn could touch me. I smell woofie on her and stay away.

With the laundry mum decided it was time to change out my hammick fabric. It had lots and lots of furs on it, so now I have to start over and get this one all comfy. I had the other one so furred up that clumps of shed furs were clinging to it and even falling on the floor. That is one thing mum hasn't done on me lately is give me a good brush. She likes to do that sitting on the floor and well, she isn't getting down on the floor anytime soon. Mainly cuz she won't get up again!
 Old one above, the new clean one below. The old one went through the wash, so it is clean again too.
So in between laundry loads, first one done, second in the dryer, mum treated Miss Lynn to lunch. Went to the new place in town and the guy at the front desk was stupid. He told them it was a 20 minute wait for a table. Mum said they would eat at the bar, so they walked in to the seating area and there were all sorts of tables open. So she just asked one of the servers about taking a table and he said sure. She also let the server know that the guy at the door was saying there were no open tables when there were. Mum has now been to this place 5 times in the past two months. She needs a break from this place. She said she tried everything she has wanted to try, so time to give it a break.

Sportz Report

The Pack plays on Monday night. Hoping for a victory and clinching the NFC North!

Guess that is all for now. Christmouse will be here super soon.


  1. Dad hasn't washed our hammick but he has put it out a couple freezing nights to kill any little pests and also covers it with the folded towel he washes once a week.

    Iza has really been enjoying it lately, and that's good. But we all get turns there.

  2. My human tosses our cat beds in the laundry every so often... you should see the cat fur in the dryer screen! MOL

  3. You hammick sure looks nice Ducky! I'm hoping for some new fabric for mine for Christmas.

  4. Claire puts our beds and blankets every month in the laundry, can you imagine ? Purrs

  5. Have fun furring up your hammick, Ducky!

  6. Try sitting on a sofa so you can get brushed there. That's what I do. Sitting on the floor sounds really hard. We had a similar incident with a cafe regarding takeaway. The waitress kept telling Lynettea they didn't do takeaway, in spite of her saying she had always got it there and it was advertised. So she went home and emailed a complaint. Turns out they said they did do takeaway, but she hasn't been back again to find out, yet. It was very off putting.

  7. We don't like it when our mom gets all washy with our stuff. It takes too long to fur up again!

    Silly restaurant. We hope the food was good at least. Did you get any take home bites, Ducky?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.