
Saturday, February 15, 2020


HiYa Ducky here, finally. I had to meow at mum more than a few times to get at the puter. Enuf of your stuff, it is my time!

I had a nice Gotcha Day with mum. Lots of loves, foods, treats. So happy to be here. Mum got a few pics of me on her lap. Keeping her warm and giving me loves. Plus a video too!
We have more to cellybrate tomorrow on Sunday. Mum will have completed another trip around the sun, so getting another year older. She says she feels older this year with the aches of the ankle breaking and such. Says if we would get to warmer weather she would feel a whole lot better. Well wouldn't we all. Warms are good for us.

Not much going to happen today. Mum is trying to catch up on things as it has been a bizzy week and next week will be bizzy too.

Happy Weekend everyone.


  1. I sure am glad to hear you had a nice Gotcha Day Ducky and we all send Happy Birthday wishes to your special Mom!

  2. I hope your human has a really nice birthday!

  3. Glad you had a good Gotcha Day, and I hope your mum has a lovely birthday tomorrow.

  4. Lovely pics of you today Ducky - good to see you enjoying those scritches.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. That’s a nice pic of you, Ducky. We’re glad you had a good Gotcha Day.

  6. Duck we are popping in to wish your Mum a SUPER HAPPY birthday! You two have a lot to celebrate - your Gotcha and her "Around The Sun" day so close together. Have a good time celebrating. Life is good!

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Happy Birthday to your Mum - and many more. Looks like her scritching hand is still in top shape !


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.