
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Throw Back Thursday - Gotcha Day Edition!

WooHoo, today is my 10th Gotcha Day. Mum didn't post about me that first day or two I was with her. She just let me settle in. Although Derby was suspicious of why mum was spending so much time in the sleepy spot. Me and mum are going to cellybrate just staying home.

This was me on Tuesday night. Mum was working on her latest blankie, I was in her lap and we watched the woofie beauty contest from NYC.

ManCat Monday

Monday, February 15, 2010

A cute expression and a purr, and the latest "shredding incident" is forgotten. - Author Unknown
Will this work for my cute expression? I hope so. I was in sun and shadow and we had lots and lots of sun this weekend to nap in. Mum says we really can tell the days are getting longer.

In other new, I think something is up. Mum has shut me out of her sleepy spot since Saturday. Plus she spent a lot of time in that room and not just sleeping. She took her pile of "I gotta read these magazines" with her.

I sit at the door an called to her, but she won't open the door. Even when Grampie came to visit on Sunday, he got to go in her sleepy spot for a while. I heard them talking, but they wouldn't let me in then either.

Then they came out and mum watched part of the CrashCar race, readed her newsy paper and such, counted birdies with me too. Then she made some dinner for Grampie and took him home. Then got to see the end of the crashcar race. Then some of the 'Lympics and then off to the sleepy room early again!

Stay tuned, plus I get a mum day today, she doesn't have to work on President's Day but say she has stuff to do away from home.


  1. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! We remember when your mum brought you home. How can that be ten years already!

  2. Awww, Happy Gotcha Day from all of us Ducky! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. happee gotcha day two ewe dood....we hope yur dayz a grate one, a get inta trubullz coz ya can one, a perch pizza pie filled one N heerz ta de next 10 anda yeer a headz filled with happeez N healtheez...

    we due knot haz tee vee hooked up but we rooted for thor de bull dawg in R mndz eye ;) ☺☺♥♥

  4. Happy 10th Gotcha Day, Ducky! Where have the years gone! How can it be 10 years already.

  5. Happy 10th Gotcha Day, Ducky! Time sure flies, doesn't it?

  6. Ducky I hope your GOTCHA DAY is totally fabulous. I had my GOTCHA yesterday on the 12th and you and I are super lucky duckies (haha) to have found our Moms and homes aren't we?

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky - and many more !


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