
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Garden Thursday

Welcome to a wet, windy and cold Garden Thursday. Mum and Ducky are hunkered down inside and we are doing our best outside. We thinks we came out too early again! Our picture from Sunday when it was nice out!

 Mum hasn't even taken any new pics of outside in the past week. Here is the new Oriole feeder out but we haven't seen any orioles yet, or hummers either.

Stay warm, stay dry, stay home, stay safe, stay healthy. Love you all.


  1. It's wet, windy and cold where I am today, too - we're a matching set!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I think the garden cats here agree that they came out too soon too. Our warmth and sun has changed to cold heavy rain and hail.

  3. It's wet, windy and cold here too, but we are pleased about that as we sorely needed rain.

    Enjoy your snuggle time with your Mom!

    Tama and Genji

  4. We've had grey skies and lots of rain too; think it's time to nap with the kitties!

  5. We love how the oriole feeder matches your furs, Ducky!

  6. What cute garden cats! Our mom can't wait to have a garden.

  7. OK, that thing on the left is pretty weerd. But we like it!

  8. It's wet and cold here too, but we're glad to get some rain, because Mother Nature was thirsty : it's been one whole month without rain. Purrs


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.