
Saturday, May 2, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Happy well, non-Derby, Derby day. Yeah, another one of those things that got messed up with this virus thingy. Mum says they will try to run in later in the year. Plus my late bro Derby was adopted on Derby Day, that is why he got called Derby, but his actual Gotcha Day is May 7.

We are supposed to have really good and warm weather for the next few days. Mum has been doing a few things outside and also with windows are open. Mum is just waiting for the grass eater to come back from its tune-up so she can even off the grass. It is looking a bit shaggy, just like her own hair.

Warmer weather has made the flies, aka sky raisins, come out. There was one in the kitch-hen yesterday while mum was eating lunch. I did my best to catch it and I did. Right in my mouth! It tickled so I opened my mouth and it was still alive. It took me another crack at it to deaded it. If you watch the video real close you can see me catch it in my mouth. 

I plan to start my day today in the front window, getting some sun as it streams in the window. Hopefully mum will be able to open the window early.

Yes mum I see you taking my pic. Just got do your own thing and leave me to bask in the sun.
So Happy May. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.

UPDATE 9:15 - Orinch birdies, orioles just spotted at our jelly feeder. WooHoo. 


  1. Sky raisins are extra protein, Ducky!

  2. That was some darn good fly catching Ducky!

  3. What fun ! Good job catching those sky raisins ! Purrs

  4. I saw you catch that fly with your mouth - that was cool!

  5. That was an extraordinary achievement Ducky as those pesky little flies are pretty nimble and very hard to catch. Well done you. And great news that the spring birdie TV has commenced.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. "Sky Raisins?" OMC!! I think that is the FUNNIEST thing I will probably read all day!!!!!!! MOL MOL MOL!!!!


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