
Monday, May 4, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

We have a cat that doesn't even bother to run after mice. She just lies around waiting for the gold-fish bowl to break. - from "Laugh-a-Minute"

No gold fishies here, unless you count the ones mum eats! MOL!

We had a nice weekend, it was warm enuf for the windows to be open both on Caturday and Sunday too. Well at least until dinner time, then the temps dropped. Mum had gotten the windows closed before the cold got in the house.

I napped and enjoyed the fresh airs, mum did some work outside. Cutting down some more brush stuff from the yard and treating the cut part so it won't grow more. Mum needs the brush ready to go out by next Sunday for pickup. 
 When mum was done outside she came inside to watch the moving picture box. I waited until she got all settled in and then I invaded her lap.
 So we watched some shows, one with babies and the other with war.
That is all. Stay at home, stay safe, stay healthy. 


  1. What's with that witch sign hanging from the ceiling Duckey? Hasn't your mum put away your Halloween decorations yet? LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We noted that Halloween sign as well, and believe it should stay out year-round. For the most part your last sentence pretty much sums up our sentiments, too.

  3. We had a lovely warm weekend, and now it's cold again!
    What's with that, Ducky? Why cannot Mother Nature make up her mind?!?

  4. That was a wonderful lap invasion Ducky!

  5. dood !!! grate ta see ya again....we due hope ewe N de galz ☺☺☺ N mom iz happee N healthee all sew....yur lookin my tee handsum two day buddy !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Sounds like you had a great weekend, Ducky. We had nice weather too...and opened windows!


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