
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy Stinky Mayo Day

Yeah it is a drinking holly-day mum says and she will have one of those marg-a-rita things with dinner. She made a small container of them the other day. All she will have to do is pour over ice!
 Mixed messages with dinner. Leftovers of the chinese she made the other day. Hmmm.
Yep, mum just lets the Hollow-weenie sign up all the time. She doesn't really  have a place to store it good. She now says the bottom should just read monster, singular, as she bought it when Derby was still around. Hmph. You think I am a monster. Just wait lady, that might come true!

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. I think your Cinco de Mayo sounds perfect, Chinese food and all!

  2. We don't have Cinco de Mayo here so I don't know what that is Ducky. I keep Christmas decorations up all year so I happily accept that your mum keeps Halloween ones up all year.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. dood..we dinna even noe tizz de howl o ween sign ....we must be outta touch ore had two much burd song in R mindz....:) happee bee lated cinco two ewe ...did ee getz a fish taco !!! :) ☺☺♥♥

  4. Ducky, now are NOT a monster; it's just an endearment!


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