
Saturday, May 9, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. BRRRRRR. It is cold here this morning, all frosty outside and such. Heck we even saw some white flakes coming down yesterday.

Something the girls forgot to mention on Thursday. It was Derby's Gotcha Day on May 7. So Happy Gotcha Day Derbs, we miss ya. This would have been his 15th Gotcha Day.

I have been doing my usual inside stuff. Snoopervising mum while she is inside, but she has been doing lots outside too the past few days.
 Mum with the latest colors for making hats. Some she  has done all of just one color, the last few she has been making them two toned. Using up all of her old yarns.
 After mum did her outside work yesterday she called out to one of our local establishments and got us a fishy fry. Oh yumm. You bet she shared this with me and I even have proof of getting some of the good stuff.
Mum  has a bit more work to finish outside today. She has been cutting things out of trees and such. I don't want to steal the thunder of the girls for next weeks post, so I won't say more.

Everyone have a good weekend.

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. Hugs and purrs as you remember Angel Derby's gotchaversary.
    We had snow on and off yesterday, but none of it stuff to the ground...yay!

  2. Yum to that fish Ducky, you're mighty lucky! Happy Gotcha Day to Angel Derby from all of us.

  3. Hugs as you remember Angel Derby's Gotcha Day anniversary.
    The temperature this afternoon is 72°. That is a good 10° higher than normal and more like the hotter summer temperatures that we get. It is forecast to drop right down again next week though.

  4. OMC, my human saw those fish and chips and she about died from wanting some for herself! Now she wants to look around to see what's near her that has them - never mind that she has groceries here she hasn't even gotten into yet.

  5. I'm glad that you got to have some of that fish Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. That's great that you got to share the fish with your Mom! Genji also insisted on getting some roast chicken yesterday!

    Tama and Genji

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Derby ! You will never be forgotten !

    Ducky, that fish fry looks delicious ! Glad you got a taste.


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