
Monday, May 11, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are designated friends. - Norman Corwin

You gotta furiend in me, yep you do. We all need furiends, lots and lots of them. We help each other keep our spirits up and share our sadness. Hugs to all of you.

We had a wet and cold Sunday, we even saw more snowflakes. For goodness sake, go away winter! The weather guesser said the other day we have had snow in eight consecutive months! Every month since October, like Hallo-weenie time.
 Since it has been so cold outside, heck the heaty monster is still running. I spend lots of time here in my heated cat cup. Keeps me nice and toasty.
Mum can go and pick up another batch of stuff from the library today. She will have a new stash of books to read. She got through the moovies and books from the last batch, so this time she got a few more books to read this time. She won't know when they are due back until she gets them. Everything else has had an extended due date.

Mum figures she will need to get the grass eater again soon. She thinks she got all the branches pruned and out for pickup.

So that is about all for now. Have a wonderful week.

Stay home, stay safe, stay positive, stay healthy.


  1. Snow in MAY! That is just ridiculous.

  2. Not more snow!
    It has turned cold here and we had to relight the log burner. We usually let it out in April and it doesn't get lit again until October/November.

  3. The library is a real blessing, isn't it? Being able to continue borrowing books is making a huge difference to my pandemic experience.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Wish our library would open up just to pick up books, but we are all still in lockdown.
    We had snow on the cars this morning, and it's brrrr.....!!!!!

  5. OMC, snow in May sounds like a nightmare ! Purrs

  6. That's way too much snow Ducky but you do look mighty cozy in your bed!

  7. waz bout 23 dee greez heer on fry day we think....we agreez go a way galz canna even get out N a bout in de gardin at thiz rate...stay warm :) ♥♥

  8. We had our last snow in April, then we had a heat wave! It's crazy. Glad you're both doing well and keeping occupied.

  9. Nice cup bed! And you almost vanish into it, too!


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