
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Things are looking up. Lots of sun and the weather guessers are saying it is  going to be really nice next week.

OK, one note about the snow Ducky reported on, it was just flurries in the air. Nothing stuck to the ground. Nothing to shovel. But yeah, little white things flying around in the air.

Mum found some seeds so she got the dirt ready and put them into the planter. Hopefully we will have some flowers later in the year. We hope so. The seeds were supposed to be for last year, but mum says they might grow anyway. They don't know what year it is.
Can you spot the baby lily of the valley flowers? We can.
The pee-o-knees are really getting tall. Mum adjusted them so they are mostly inside the support cages. The hiya-cinths are about done blooming.
The lilac blooms are pushing out more too. Not long before we will have some nice smells around the yard.
It was very windy when mum took these pics. Do you see the bee hanging on to the plant? Too windy for him to fly.
Things are looking pretty good around here, happy to have a nice sunny day. Rain coming in for Thursday!

Stay home, stay safe, stay positive, stay healthy.

Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Looks like it's gonna be a great garden this spring.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. #1 is never brave enough to try and grow flowers from seeds. The most she will do is bulbs! We hope yours come out and thrive!

    Tama and Genji

  3. hay ewe galz.....happee gardin day two ewe !! heerz hopin de new seedz grow, we agreez, they due knot noe if itz 2020 ore 1825 !!! de pee on neez round heer it lookin kinda funkee; like it doez knot wanna bloom, but de lilly oh de valley went ta town az they say N itz everee wear !!! happee week a head; stay healthee :) ☺☺♥♥

  4. I am thinking of adding a bee watering station in our yard; shallow, with rocks or marbles just above the water level for them to land on for a drink.

  5. Sun and planting is a good combo, just add naps!

  6. The lily of the valley will smell lovely when the flowers come out.


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