
Saturday, May 16, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. The day is starting off nice and sunny. Yesterday was really nice with the windows all wide open. Gentle breezes and all. Today isn't going to be as nice, so windows won't be so wide open.

So while I was enjoying the front window I could see some of the robins flying about the front of the house. Very often and carrying strips of deaded grass and such. 
Mum noticed when she went to check the mail box that there was deaded grass up on the ledge.
Mum looked up and saw that the robins had built a nest on top of the light fixture! Whoa. Mum better not turn on that light for long, she could start a fire! Some of the grass is inside the fixture right by the light.

Mum got on her tippy toes and stretched out her arm to get a pic inside the nest. So far no eggs but mum said none of this was there the day before. Those little birdies worked fast.
Not sure how this will work out. Birdies will be disturbed when they dropped the mail off and when mum gets the mail. So we shall see. The top thing of the light has been pushed away from where it should be. The roof overhang keeps it from getting rained on.

We will keep you posted on what happens.

Otherwise me and mum are planning a quiet weekend.


  1. The robins have been busy. A wagtail has built it's nest in the barn where we keep the big chest freezer. It is right beside the door where we go in and out, so I have put as much as possible in the kitchen freezer so I don't disturb her too often.

  2. Isn't that fascinating, that they built that nest so fast?!?

  3. That was quick nest building and maybe you'll see some eggs soon Ducky.

  4. Wow, you're going to get a very up close and personal baby bird experience! A bird made a nest and hatched eggs in the ribbon of a wreath on my sisters front door several years in a row. The momma would fly out when the door opened, but she always came back. No one slammed the door during that time! The babies all did fine, mailman visits and all!

  5. Ooooh - it's gonna get noisy if little birds hatch and start squawking for breakfast, lunch and dinner Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Paws crossed that this spot works out for the birdie family.

  7. That was quick work indeed. We sure hope the babies that end up hatching in that precariously perched nest will be okay.


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