
Monday, May 18, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

The phrase 'domestic cat' is an oxymoron. - George Will

Domestic? I am king of my domain! Don't you forget it!
 Caturday was pretty good. Sunday was rain, rain, rain. Mum watched some video and she even watched some of the crashcar race and a live horsie race. Woohoo. live sports.

Mum also got good news, her haircut lady can start working again so mum will get her hair cut this week. She is happy.

That is about it for now.

Stay home, stay safe, stay positive, stay healthy.


  1. My momma got her hair dyed last week - she wuz SOOO happy.

  2. Very cute pic of you today, Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Ducky, my hair is so long now, that I'm not even sure I want to get it cut! A little bit longer, and I can tuck it behind my ears.

  4. dood...lookin good dood, N yur perch blankit iz awesum !!! that bee one mum cro shayed huh !! :) ☺☺♥♥

  5. You are the King Ducky! We watched most of the Darlington race too.

  6. No live sport here, and no chance of getting my hair cut yet either.

  7. oh lucky Mom!! My Mom needs her beard shaved (MOL MOL MOL!!) and she needs a hair trim soooooooo badly!! Enjoy!!

  8. Today was our rainy day. I am hoping to go to the pet store this week!

  9. Just don't let your mum take YOU to the haircut lady, Ducky!

  10. Sports are good. Though people who drive as fast as they can and not crash is not our favorite. We like watching Beins kick balls and golf them on the TV more.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.