
Saturday, July 25, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Not much going on around here. Mum is doing some cooking, she actually made a soup the other day to try out. Chick-hen Corn soup. Soup makes a nice quick meal even when it is hot.

Miss Megan, you asked about what we call the super hots. Well for me and mum it is anything above 85F (29C) and humid. Now we know there are places that get this hot and more, but for us it is getting to the point of too hot. Mum prefers things a bit cooler, like in the 70's and not much humidity.

Mum has gone out a few times to check for the comet, but even tho she turns off the lights inside for at least 20 minutes to help her eyes adjust to darkness she isn't seeing it. We have a few nearby houses that have outside lights on all the time which makes it harder to see faint things in the sky. If she waits until later when it is darker in the sky the area she needs to look at has gone behind trees. Oh well!

A few nice pics of me to enjoy.

OK, so that is about it. Me and mum are going to take it easy for the weekend.

Stay safe, Stay Healthy. Wear a mask!


  1. You’re looking good, Ducky. We haven’t seen the comet either. And now the time to see it has passed. Mom is bummed.

  2. You do look pretty cute there Ducky. We haven't been able to see the comet either, darn.

  3. Last night, I had The Hubby drive me all over the place after sunset, to find a dark corner of the world for prime comet viewing...and nada nada nada. I had be binocs and everything! Rats.

  4. Those are nice pics of you, Ducky, and I did enjoy them. Thank you.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. 85 and humid is WAY different from 85 and NOT humid (which is our weather).

  6. I did see the comet twice around the beginning of the week. We are lucky because we are high up and have a very open view so were able to see it when it was low in the sky. No light pollution here either. I couldn't catch it with my camera though, but some people in the village got good photos.
    Those are lovely photos of you, Ducky.

  7. We haven't managed to see the comet either.

    #1 says that chicken corn soup sounds yummy!

    We're in for a couple of super-hot days here this coming week.

    Tama and Genji

  8. We missed the comet too. Those are beautiful pictures of you, Ducky. Purrs

  9. Ducky tell your Mom to look out of the side of her eyes when she wants to see something faint like the comet. The cells in that part of the retina are the ones that don't see color so can use less light. Our huMom didn't go looking for this one, but when Halley's Comet came back in 1987 it was real faint and she was able to see it that way.
    We agree about the temps and humidity too. It's been too hot here in Ohio.
    Purrs !

  10. Dad says to "they looked for the lowest star in the big dipper, then go down a few degrees from there. But that was last week. Today should be below the highest star in the big dipper". Since they won't let me outside, I don't know how good that is.


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